Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader - Cover

Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 4 - the Team assembles

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - the Team assembles - A man with a sleazy, perverted past but a particular set of skills, becomes Edward Pembroke. He is employed on a mission, to procure beautiful women and introduce them to a life of sex slavery against their will

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Horror   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Body Modification   Violence  

Rebecca Parker had endured a harrowing few days. Ever since her violent abduction from her home, she had been trapped in a nightmare. Shoved into a sack that restricted her every movement, blindfolded, and gagged, she had been jostled around for hours on end. She feared her captor had forgotten she was still alive, or worse, didn’t care.

She was terrified by the uncertainty of who had kidnapped her. Was it some crazed vigilante? A member of her own family trying to scrub their reputation clean? She knew she had done wrong, but she didn’t deserve this. She didn’t want to die, condemned as a degenerate pervert by her peers. The loneliness was crushing. No one was coming to help her or sympathize with her.

She awoke, after what felt like almost a day, in a dark, utterly silent cellar. She was naked, save for an ankle cuff which was attached by a chain to a strong D-ring on the wall. The only light came from a tiny lightbulb overhead. Edward Pembroke had managed to lease out a container within a larger storage facility for a shipping company in an industrial estate outside of Glasgow, Scotland. The Azmari parent company operating it would not need it for the next month or so, and they were happy to lease it out to Pembroke. It was very private and very soundproof.

Rebecca had been dragged into the cellar-like container, stripped, and cuffed by the ankle by the same masked man who had abducted her in her bedroom. He did not talk, and responded to her frantic pleas, once ungagged, by punching her in the mouth, leaving her with a bloody mouth and a terror of opening it again.

She was cold, and kept rubbing herself to stay warm. The dim red light showed that there was nothing else in the cellar, even out of her reach, only the steel door.

Hours passed, and she thought she might die of thirst or hypothermia. Eventually, the door opened and a chink of vague light came in, accompanied by the man.

This time, he was unmasked. He quickly shut the door behind him.

“My goodness, Rebecca, it stinks in here! I see you’ve been to the toilet already. Heavens, I think you need to be cleaned before we proceed. Now, we are in an isolated area, and I’m going to open the door again. No one can hear you; we are inside a secure unit, and no one is around outside. Even so, I don’t want to hear any screaming, or I will be very angry. It won’t save you; it will just make me hit you, OK?”

Rebecca was surprised by his urbane and educated manner. This man was not a vigilante from her hometown. He was dark-haired, almost handsome, and in his forties. Since embarking on this venture, a light had come on inside Edward Pembroke, making him strangely attractive.

He opened the door, and she could tell they were still inside from the dimness of the light. She then saw him bring in a hose.

Jets of ice-cold water blasted at the naked woman, who screamed and shouted, raising her hands in a futile attempt to shield herself.

Pembroke laughed, relishing in her frantic attempts to evade the water. He sprayed her relentlessly, the icy jets hitting her from every angle.

“Open your legs, Rebecca, I need you clean there the most!” She obeyed him, frantically trying to placate him to make the cold stop. “Please ... no more!”

He sprayed the floor of the container, allowing the water to flow out through the narrow gaps, taking all the unpleasantness with it.

Once he had satisfied himself, he threw the woman a large towel. “I will be back in a while, dry yourself!”

Pembroke stepped outside and went over his busy schedule with meticulous care. After some calculations and arrangements, he returned to the container with bottles of water, food, and blankets in hand.

Rebecca was shivering, hiding herself in the towel.

“What do you want? Why did you kidnap me? Where am I?” she demanded, her voice trembling with fear.

Pembroke’s relaxed demeanor remained unchanged as he began to explain his motives for the kidnapping.

“Mrs. Rebecca Parker. I hope I have the right woman?” he chuckled, observing the woman sitting on the ground, wrapped in her blanket, cowering from him.

“Yes, what do you want?” Rebecca asked, her voice quivering.

“I am sure you can think of reasons why people would want to hurt you?” Pembroke replied calmly. “You went to prison for child abuse, of your own children. A more heinous crime one cannot imagine!” His tone was matter-of-fact, devoid of any accusation or anger.

“Tears streamed down Rebecca’s face, her voice thick with despair. ‘Yes, I admit it,’ she choked out. ‘I made a terrible mistake. I was drunk, and I paid the price. A heavy price. But I served my time. Why can’t they just let me go?’ Her voice rose, laced with raw desperation. ‘What more do you want from me? What can I possibly do to make it stop? If you’re going to kill me, just get it over with. I don’t care anymore. There’s no changing what I did. But please,’ she pleaded, her voice cracking, ‘just let me have some peace.’

“Mrs. Parker,” Pembroke began, his voice smooth as polished marble, “it seems your life in England has reached a dead end. Reuniting with your children? That ship has sailed, I’m afraid. Perhaps for the best, wouldn’t you agree?”

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing with a chilling smile. “Now, as for your future, peace won’t be part of the package. What I have in mind is ... different. Consider it a unique opportunity, though one with limited choices.” His smile vanished, replaced by a steely glint in his eyes.

“The world will assume you’ve met an unfortunate end, either by someone else’s hand or your own. Your family might even find solace in your absence. A clean break, wouldn’t you say?”

Pembroke leaned closer, his voice dropping to a low growl. “However, there is an alternative to your presumed demise. You can remain alive, but only under my very strict control. Think of it as a second chance, albeit a twisted one. Disobey, and your ‘disappearance’ becomes a permanent reality. Actually, there isn’t really a choice.”

Rebecca groaned. She wished she had killed herself, and wondered if she would regret it if she went along with anything this man wanted her to do.

“I am not really interested in your answer, Rebecca. Because I am going to make you do the things I want you to do.”

“Please, sir, I know I did wrong. But, I’m not evil, I just did something stupid, and I paid for it...”

Pembroke suddenly lashed out with a backhand to the side of her head, sending her sprawling. She dropped the blanket, exposing herself again. Pembroke looked again at the large breasts, the fleshy belly, and hips, and thought a few weeks of starvation might not be a bad option for her.

“I don’t give a fuck, Rebecca. What matters is that you have no life to go back to, and you already have some depravity in you. Don’t think I haven’t heard about you, all the chats you were in, the porn you watched. Your whole neighbourhood knows, it’s all over the internet!”

Rebecca cried. She had let herself down, badly. Unlike with other crimes, there was no one who would ever forgive her. No amount of apologies or amends could erase the past. She was now entirely at the mercy of this evil man and it broke her heart that no one would be interested in helping her even if they could.

“Yes, I’m sick. I’m sorry. What more can I do?” she sobbed.

“I want you to stop being sorry, I want you to be even sicker for me.” Pembroke smiled and began undressing casually.

“You see, Rebecca, I want you to come into business with me. Now, it will not be as equals, in fact, you will be my prisoner, my slave, to do whatever I want, on pain of death. But I want you to enjoy yourself. You see, I have kidnapped you to help me train some young ladies for a specific purpose.”

Rebecca’s eyes opened wide as he began stipping all his clothes off and realized what he was saying.

“No! I won’t do it anymore! I don’t care what you do to me, what I did, I want to go to my grave a decent person!”

“Haha, don’t worry Rebecca, you can always tell the devil I made you do it! Tell you what, your kids hate you but I know you still care for them, little Terry and Olivia...”

“No! Please don’t harm my children!”

“Strong words coming from a sexual abuser, from someone whose kids will never want to see them again, ever!”

“I don’t care, I am a monster, I was a monster, but I will not have them harmed, I’ll sacrifice anything!”

Pembroke was now naked and smiled at the pleading woman. He believed her. She had committed a relatively minor transgression by his standards, and still loved her children. He had a nice hold on her, any mischief on her part, and her kids would be punished.

“Well, your kids will grow up and be happy, if you just work with me on this project then!” Pembroke winked at her. “We are at early stages, but I know what filth you have in your mind, and I want you to practise it on these young ladies, who are much purer and more innocent than you!”

Rebecca’s blood ran cold as she realised she was being used for some disgusting undefined purpose. She looked at his erect cock inches from her face.

“I do not want you to be shy, Rebecca. Whatever depravity you have inside you, you can release it. Now, I have had a long journey, and I am going to rape you now. First, I want you to suck me.”

Rebecca wondered what choices she had. Was there any way out? Should she wait? Would there be more violence?

She tentatively leaned forwards and ran her tongue and lips over the man’s cock. Pembroke sighed. “You are good at this Rebecca hmm. I hope you like eating pussy too, you are going to get a lot of it very soon.”

Soon, he pushed her head away and directed her to lie down. He entered her, and stared into her face as he ravished her.

“You and I will have such fun Rebecca! Wait till you see the fine fillies we have waiting to be trained. Waiting to be ordered about, and trained to be fuck holes.”

Pembroke thought of Charlotte Spencer, Dilan Talebani and Elena Petrova, as he came inside the older woman.

He got up and got dressed. Rebecca covered herself with the blanket again, wondering what he would do to her next.

“These ladies will be quite upper class, much more sophisticated than you. So you must remember your place, but at the same time, you will have power over them. Have you ever struck a girl before?”

“No ... no, why would I want to do that?”

Pembroke casually grabbed her by the hair, bent her over, and spanked her hard on her ass. He laughed as she screamed in fright.

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