Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader - Cover

Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 40

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 40 - A man with a sleazy, perverted past but a particular set of skills, becomes Edward Pembroke. He is employed on a mission, to procure beautiful women and introduce them to a life of sex slavery against their will

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Horror   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Body Modification   Violence  

The following morning, Pembroke lay in the plush, king-sized bed of his opulent hotel suite, the room bathed in the soft morning light filtering through the floor-to-ceiling windows with a view overlooking the bustling heart of Azmairia. The air was filled with the faint scent of jasmine from the fresh flowers arranged in a vase on the bedside table.

Katalin lay beside him, her lithe body draped in the silken sheets. After their fun and games on the flight, they had gone partying, living the life of forty-something expats desperately clinging to their youth. For Pembroke, it had been a fun experience, the sheer hedonism a welcome respite from the pleasurable if austere surroundings of the complex.

Pembroke, relaxed and satisfied from the night’s indulgences, sipped his coffee while reading through his reports. He was dressed in a luxurious robe, the fabric soft against his skin, and his brow furrowed slightly as he read them.

Katalin, propped up on one elbow, watched him with a playful smile. “Oh Edward. You and your business,” she teased, her voice a husky murmur. “Always so serious. What kind of business are you involved in, anyway?”

Pembroke glanced up from his reports, meeting her curious gaze. He offered a half-smile, enigmatic and teasing. “Oh just the usual—investments, trade deals, making sure everything runs smoothly,” he replied, his tone deliberately vague.

Katalin rolled her eyes and leaned in closer, her fingers lightly trailing down his chest. “Come on, give me a hint,” she coaxed, her breath warm against his skin. “You can’t expect a woman not to be curious when you’re so secretive.”

He chuckled softly, setting his coffee cup down on the bedside table. “Let’s just say it’s a bit complicated. Involves a lot of moving parts, and it’s best not to get too specific.”

Her lips curved into a mischievous grin as she pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “Mysterious and handsome. No wonder I keep coming back for more.”

Pembroke’s eyes twinkled with amusement as he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. “Well, I aim to please,” he said, his voice low and seductive.

Katalin nestled against him, her head resting on his chest as she listened to the steady beat of his heart. Despite her playful demeanor, a part of her couldn’t help but wonder about the true nature of Pembroke’s business. Did she also dare to hope that this man might be interested in something ... serious? As she traced idle patterns on his chest, her thoughts drifted to the previous night’s revelry. Pembroke had been the center of attention, charming everyone he met, and she had felt a thrill at being by his side, part of his glamorous world in that Bugatti.

Pembroke had shifted his reports to Russian script to hide them from her prying eyes. They related to reports on the receipt of the girls yesterday and their reported good health and satisfactory first impressions. He also read a report from Jamal on the goings-on at the complex. He really needed to have a better cover and was thinking of having a semi-legitimate operation on the premises.

He also read through the AI-generated summaries of the remaining girls’ conversations throughout the day. The focus had been on what might happen to the girls who had left, and the hope that they might be released, or the fear they might be killed. The end of the word rationing had acted as a breach of a flood wall and the girls had produced a huge amount of chatter and talk content. He was interested that Holly, Kasia, and the Russian sisters seemed quite looking forward to being sold, believing it might be a better life, even if they never saw their families again. He was pleased—the girls seemed to have adapted and had even pushed back at angry demands from the other girls that they should not give up and should hope for rescue. Things were looking promising, he thought. He also chuckled that Kasia and Sophie had apparently had a catfight, blaming each other for the death of Kasia’s ex-boyfriend and their present predicament and a lot of other blood at the Maresills strip club.

Now, Pembroke wondered how to approach the formal parties. How on earth does one network as a slave dealer? He could only hope that informal hints had been made. The world was full of evil, bad men that covered for each other. He was looking forward to seeing Ahmed later who might give him some hints.

Katalin looked at the concentrated black eyes of this mysterious man. In the quiet intimacy of the morning, she found herself more intrigued by the man behind the charm and the mystery of his business dealings. What kind of ventures required such secrecy? What was hidden behind those penetrating eyes and the confident facade?

For now, she was content to enjoy the luxury and excitement that came with being Pembroke’s companion. She would savor the pleasures of the moment and keep her curiosity in check, at least for a little while longer. After all, life was too short to worry about tomorrow when today promised such indulgence and delight.

“This is quite a place, Katalin. Do you ever want to leave the jet-setting lifestyle?” Pembroke asked, his eyes on the stunning view.

“I love it,” Katalin replied defensively. “I’ve lived here for fifteen years. My family wants me to get married, but I told them I wanted to see the world. My sister got married young and has two kids. She has a boring life in Budapest. I wouldn’t swap places with her!”

Pembroke sensed a hint of sadness in her eyes despite her confident words. “You’ve seen a lot, but don’t you ever think about settling down? Finding a place to call home?”

Katalin’s fingers traced patterns on the sheets. “Sometimes,” she admitted softly. “But I like my freedom and independence. Besides, I haven’t found anyone worth settling down with.”

“It’s not always easy, balancing adventure with stability,” Pembroke said gently.

“No, it’s not. But I try to make the most of it. Right now, I’m enjoying every moment.”

“You’re doing a great job of living life on your own terms,” Pembroke said with a smile.

“Thanks, Edward. That means a lot.”

Pembroke couldn’t shake the feeling that Katalin’s bravado masked deeper emotions, but he decided not to press further. He had far worse secrets to hide.

“What is life like for a woman here?” he asked, curious about her perspective.

Katalin rolled her eyes. “Oh, Edward, you believe all the stereotypes about Arabs! I can drive, I can live, I can travel and go anywhere I want.”

“I’ve heard that the human rights situation isn’t great here,” Pembroke said cautiously.

“Edward, you’re here to make money. Don’t tell me you care that much,” she laughed, cupping his face and kissing him. “My family back in Hungary, they’re so ignorant. They believe all those ridiculous stories about female sex slaves and harems. It’s pure racism!”

Pembroke hesitated before speaking. “But I’ve heard stories about girls being trafficked here.”

Katalin’s expression softened slightly, but she remained firm. “No, that’s just a stereotype. Honestly, my family never visits because they think they’ll get kidnapped or something equally absurd. I’ve been all over the world and nothing bad has happened to me.”

Pembroke listened, noting the passion in her voice. “So, you feel completely safe?”

“Absolutely,” she replied, her eyes meeting his with conviction. “Here, and everywhere else in the Middle East. The misconceptions people have are often based on fear and ignorance. Sure, there are issues, but that’s true anywhere.”

“I completely agree,” said Pembroke. “People who don’t travel often fear what they don’t understand.”

“Exactly!” Katalin grew animated, her robe falling open to reveal her perfect body beneath, though she seemed oblivious, caught up in her thoughts.

“You know what I’m going to do!” she exclaimed, a spark in her eye. “My niece is just eighteen, and like everyone in my family, she’s so closed-minded. But I can change that. I promised her I could use my family voucher to take her somewhere exotic. My sister insisted she could only go to a European country, somewhere ‘safe.’ But I’m going to take her to Egypt or Syria. She’ll only find out when we get to the airport. That’s the point—it’s a surprise! I need to show my family, especially my sister, that their prejudices are unfounded, and show my niece that there’s more to life than just sitting in front of a TV in Budapest.”

Pembroke smiled, admiring Katalin’s determination. “That sounds like a fantastic plan. Travel is the best way to break down barriers and challenge misconceptions.”

Katalin beamed, clearly energized by the idea. “Exactly! I want her to see the beauty and culture of these places firsthand, to understand that people are just people everywhere.”

Pembroke reached out, gently running his hand around her body under her robe. “Your niece is lucky to have you. You’ll give her an experience she’ll never forget.”

Katalin’s eyes softened. “Here, let me show you a picture of her. Can you imagine us girls in the souk in Cairo or Damascus?” she giggled.

She pulled out her phone and showed Pembroke a picture of her eighteen-year-old niece, herself, and another woman on the beach. All three were in bikinis. Katalin looked stunning with her trim figure, as did the girl in the middle, a natural brunette with brown eyes and a similar figure. The dowdier woman at the end completed the trio.

“That’s her mother, my sister,” said Katalin with a hint of envy and bitterness.

Pembroke studied the photo. “Your niece looks a lot like you. I can see the resemblance. And your sister, well, she seems nice enough.”

Katalin sighed, her emotions flickering across her face. “Yeah, my sister. She’s settled down with a family, living a ‘respectable’ life in Budapest. She always looked down on me for choosing a different path.”

Pembroke kissed her deeply, pulling off her robe and running his hands over her body. Katalin’s breath hitched as Pembroke explored her curves, her fingers threading through his hair. She arched into him, her mouth open in ecstasy.

Pembroke licked her neck and breathed into her ear, “It’s clear you’ve chosen a life filled with adventure and experiences. Your niece will see that there’s more to the world than what she’s known.”

As they made love, Pembroke thought of the beautiful young brunette. He really must investigate further, keeping in touch and offering all the assistance he could. A young, inexperienced Hungarian teenage girl might find the Middle East a lot more dangerous than her aunt thought. As he groped the older woman’s skin, he wondered if he should make it a double acquisition. Could he pass them off as mother and daughter? Or would Katalin’s advanced age tarnish his brand? Perhaps she might be better served as an identifiable body left behind.

As he feasted on Katalin’s breasts, he congratulated himself, reminding himself that one should always stay alert for more business opportunities.

Later that day, Pembroke enjoyed a private luncheon with Ahmed Al-Masri at an exclusive restaurant. Their table, set with the finest china and silverware, overlooked a serene garden with a sparkling fountain. They savored exquisite amuse-bouche, followed by succulent lobster tail and perfectly seared Wagyu beef, paired with truffle mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables.

As Pembroke indulged in the decadent chocolate soufflé, he couldn’t help but wryly smile, thinking of how he regimented his girls’ food. They would give anything for such a treat, but he refused to countenance an ounce of unnecessary fat on his products. Instead, they were probably now eating spinach, eggs, potatoes, carrots, and chicken from a cat bowl with their mouths while he sipped on expensive wine financed by their eventual sale.

“So Eddie, all went really well. The Crown Prince was delighted. He said he barely slept last night but didn’t give many other clues,” laughed Ahmed. “Seven girls is a lot for a man of his age, so it will probably be quite boring for them most of the time, not that I will see much of them.”

“So they are shut off?”

“Only a few eunuchs and dedicated servants are allowed in. The Crown Prince doesn’t allow the girls to see other men, even out of windows or on screens. He gets crazy jealous.” Ahmed laughed, thinking how he must use the senile, old, horny fool to advance himself.

“Well, that is good. I don’t want my products advertised after sale. They are designed to be kept under lock and key and not shown off. The last thing I want is for the likes of Dilan Talebani to rise again!” Pembroke said with a smirk. The two men laughed, their voices echoing through the opulent dining room.

“So, Ahmed, about tonight. Are there many sleazy, evil wealthy men going to be there who have an interest in buying slaves?” Pembroke asked, leaning in conspiratorially.

“Yes, there will be,” Ahmed replied. “You know, a lot of people have made inquiries over the years, and we always have to turn them away. Now, it’s just a question of gently nudging them in your direction.” He smiled slyly. “Just be discreet, and you will be fine.”

Pembroke nodded, a calculating look in his eyes. “Discretion is my specialty. I’ll make sure to handle it smoothly.”

“Good,” Ahmed said, raising his glass. “To profitable ventures and staying under the radar.”

That night, Pembroke attended the men-only War Refugees Charity dinner sponsored by the Royal Family, dressed impeccably in a tuxedo. Despite the men-only invitation due to religious sensibilities, the hall was filled with female staff. The waitresses wore skimpy black dresses with sheer sides that revealed their matching underwear, paired with high heels and corset-like belts. Many, if not most, of the women were prostitutes.

During the dinner, Pembroke made small talk with those around him, noticing the royal family members, wealthy magnates, titans of industry, military figures, and less respectable people, including some who were apparently from countries at war with each other but seemed to be friends.

At the after-party, Pembroke navigated the room with practiced ease, mingling with the other wealthy attendees. The girls continued to pour drinks, their skimpy outfits barely containing their dignity. The men’s lecherous behavior went unchecked, their sense of entitlement glaringly apparent. Pembroke smiled at the discomfort and forced smiles of the waitresses and staff. It made for all the better introduction into the sleazy chat he hoped others might enter into.

“Ah, Mr. Pembroke,” a man approached, introducing himself as Faisal Khemdi, the Crown Prince’s brother-in-law. A malevolent old man, he flashed a cruel smile with thin lips and arched eyebrows reminiscent of a vampire. “I understand you are a fine legal mind. You ensured my son got rid of those charges brought against him by that unpleasant Pakistani fantasist.” “Ah yes, of course,” Pembroke replied, recognizing him as the father of the Crown Prince’s nephew. He remembered well how he had “dealt with” Afshan Malik, who was currently dwelling in a cell in his complex. “It was a delicate situation, but I was glad to be of service.” “Interesting what became of her. So many conflicting stories. I read she was raped and killed by three Afghan men she helped smuggle over the border. Then I read she was killed by a Polish man who was later killed in revenge. Then I read that she owed money to people traffickers and they killed her. It’s hard to know what to believe in today’s world.” “Yes, very true. Though trafficking people across the border is not a good pastime. One should respect borders, or one day...” Pembroke clicked his fingers. The two men laughed conspiratorially. It was amazing what a lack of international cooperation and carefully planted stories could do to obscure the truth of what had really happened to the unfortunate medical student. Khemdi’s eyes glinted with satisfaction. “Your efficiency and discretion are most appreciated. My family is always in need of such ... capable allies.” Pembroke nodded, sensing the opportunity. “I aim to please. If there’s anything more I can assist with, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

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