Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader - Cover

Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 31

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 31 - A man with a sleazy, perverted past but a particular set of skills, becomes Edward Pembroke. He is employed on a mission, to procure beautiful women and introduce them to a life of sex slavery against their will

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Horror   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Body Modification   Violence  

Pembroke had spent a week at sea piloting the Zephyr, meticulously researching and devising new plans, all while indulging in horrific sexual abuse of the two female captives. His actions, though vile, paled in comparison to the depravity Konrad had inflicted upon them.

Hours stretched infinitely in the tight darkness of the compartment where the girls were kept in strict bondage. Unable to see, they could only feel the warm flesh and heartbeat of each other, trapped for hours and hours in the sticky, hard-to-breathe atmosphere.

Konrad’s nervous demeanor had melted away when faced with the vulnerable girls, revealing a chilling cruelty that shocked even Pembroke. There were moments when Pembroke had almost intervened to prevent the girls from being thrown off the boat or seriously injured by Konrad’s brutal actions.

Pembroke first witnessed Konrad’s depravity when he saw him lifting Sophie off the deck, holding her upside down with her legs spread apart and forcing her exposed sex to his mouth. He bear-hugged her waist, pinning her against the cabin wall, and shoved his penis into her mouth as she struggled to breathe in her inverted position.

“Careful Konrad” laughed Pembroke, with a little concern, “that piece of ass is worth a lot of money!”

Pembroke had also been startled to find Kasia, after pulling her out one morning, to have quite an incredible amount of bite marks over her body, her feet, legs, thighs, back, torso, everywhere, even her arms. She was bleeding from some of them, and Pembroke had to swab her down with antisceptic, before putting her back into the darkness.

“Sorry, boss” Konrad sheepishly explained “I had so many years without seeing any girls, I just got over excited with Kasia, I will control myself, I promise!”

But the long boat trip was, Pembroke mused, a useful induction of terror, violence, and sex for new stock.

Pembroke carefully explained Kwame’s demise to the men and the ladies at the complex. By now, Kwame’s death had been reported, with French police informing the media that they believed he and Amir had killed each other in a gangland spat. They also speculated that the disappearances of Kasia Kowalska and Sophie Candelema were likely related to a sex trafficking ring centered on Amir’s club. Pembroke hoped that the numerous suspects would keep him safe from suspicion.

Kasia and Sophie were curtly informed of the complex’s purpose. Pembroke had brought them here to be trained and redesigned as sex slaves. They would be held alongside other females already in advanced stages of training, while they underwent their own conditioning and were marketed to buyers.

Their introduction to Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Al-Haraz was shocking, but what truly rattled them was the sight of fifteen naked, collared females in the cell where they would be joining them. The space seemed overcrowded, with just enough room to lie down on the ground on the mattresses and sit on the benches. In one corner, there were two shower heads and two toilets, offering minimal privacy and highlighting the grim conditions they would have to endure.

The smell of female flesh filled the air inside, a mix of metallic period blood, other vaginal secretions, sweat, and soap. The cell was crowded with a sea of naked bodies, some sitting, some standing, others lying down. There were few places to go where they were more than an outstretched arm from touching another girl’s body. The oppressive lack of personal space only heightened Kasia and Sophie’s sense of despair and claustrophobia, even after days of being squeezed against each other in an even tighter space.

“Hey, hairy girls,” smiled Camille, approaching them and speaking in French. She noticed the stubble between their legs. “Did you guys get here on the boat?”

“Ye-yes,” Kasia responded, shocked by the girl’s whimsical, cheerful, and nonchalant demeanor.

“Oh, me too. It sucked, squeezed up tight! Of course, it’s tight here too, but you get used to it. No privacy, you know ... hope you’re not an introvert or have any hang-ups about going to the toilet and ... hah, hope you’re okay with sex, a lot of it.”

“The boat trip? Is that what you call it? It was horrific—they raped us!” Kasia exclaimed.

“Yeah,” Camille stretched her arms above her head as if daydreaming. “Yes, they do that. They do it ... a lot.”

“How long have you been here?” Sophie asked.

“I don’t know, months I think, maybe half a year. Time is ... strange here, you know. But I will be going soon. I’ve been booked, ordered. I have a buyer, and I will be going with six of the girls here.”

“You are bought? This is so fucked up,” Sophie said, her voice filled with disbelief and anger.

“To be honest,” said Camille, “I just want to see my new owner now. I’ve been here too long ... too long! I mean, I’m sure I’ll be having lots of pussy there too, but this place is like living in a vagina. My owner will be rich, I hope it’s nice there and he can treat me better than ... well, you know...”

“Are you mistreated here?” Sophie asked.

Camille suddenly burst out laughing and couldn’t stop, sitting in another corner giggling her head off. Sophie and Kasia looked at each other in puzzlement, unsure of how to react to Camille’s bizarre response.

Sophie and Kasia tried to mingle, feeling awkward and exposed, their attempts to avoid touching anyone only adding to their discomfort. Fatima and her two cousins stared at them suspiciously, their three pairs of dark areolas gazing at them like a small gang, making Sophie and Kasia feel even more out of place. Two Russian brunettes who looked like sisters held hands and turned away from them, as did two blonde sisters. Three girls seemed to have a group—Elena, Holly, and Dilan.

“Where were you taken from?” asked Dilan.

“Marseille,” Sophie replied. “This bastard kidnapped us. He murdered my boyfriend in front of me. He and the long-haired man—they’re animals!”

“The long-haired man is new. What about the black man?” Dilan inquired.

“I don’t know,” Kasia said. “He didn’t come with us on the boat.”

The girls exchanged worried glances. Neither Sophie nor Kasia had any new information about other girls kidnapped over the course of the year.

“This place is hell,” said Dilan. “You just have to ... adjust yourself.”

“Do what you have to do to survive. They have killed people here. They have also killed girls that defied them,” added Elena, stifling a cry as she remembered Vitaly.

“Have you been ... bought?” asked Sophie, nervously.

“Not that we know of,” said Dilan, clearly disgusted at the mention of the word.

“Not yet,” said Elena. “But it makes me sick thinking some perverts out there are looking to buy us.”

“I just need to get out,” said Holly, her voice trembling. “We cannot escape from here, and it is hell. It can send you crazy. I can’t stay sane here much longer. It’s just torture and sex and this. I can’t even remember my family. I just want to be away, even if some millionaire keeps me.”

Kasia and Sophie were still surprised at how comfortable the girls all seemed, sitting naked next to each other. The casual intimacy and lack of shame among the captives was a stark contrast to their own discomfort and unease. It was clear that the girls had adapted to their circumstances in ways that Kasia and Sophie had yet to comprehend.

The hall door opened, and Mrs. Parker, Konrad, and Pembroke entered. Konrad moved towards the cell like a fox approaching a chicken coop, drooling at the sight of the recoiling naked girls. His eyes roved over all of them with a predatory gleam, savoring their fear and discomfort.

Both girls tried to shrink back into the crowd, their hearts pounding.

“Ladies, allow me to introduce Konrad,” commanded Pembroke. “You will always refer to him as Sir! You will obey him as you obey me!”

The girls exchanged fearful glances, Konrad looked like he was, a weird, dangerous psycho.

“Yes, Sir,” the girls mumbled in unison, their voices barely audible.

Konrad’s eyes lingered on Freja and Miriam, his expression darkening with sadistic anticipation. Both girls tried to shrink back into the crowd, their hearts pounding.

“Konrad,” Pembroke said with a friendly slap on the back, “why don’t you go into the cell, have a taste, a smell of all that lovely pussy in there?”

Konrad’s grin widened as he stepped closer to the cell door. As Konrad entered the cell, the atmosphere grew even tenser. He moved slowly, deliberately, savoring the terror in their eyes, as the girls each tried to hide behind the other.

Konrad held his hands out, brushing against their skin, grabbing breasts and buttocks, as if he were in heaven. He approached Freja and Miriam first, his gaze predatory. “Don’t be shy,” he taunted, leaning in to inhale their scent.

“The blonde girl, I am afraid, is to remain a virgin. Trust me, these last few months it has been hell, but I have fucked her ass many times. If you want all holes, the other girl, the Arab girl, Miriam, she’s a lovely girl!” Pembroke announced.

Miriam burrowed into Fatima’s embrace, the older girl’s protectiveness a flimsy shield against the towering figure of Konrad. His long, messy hair hung limply around his gaunt face. His body, all sharp angles and knobbly bones, ended in massive, gnarled hands that looked like they could crush her. The ragged smile that stretched across his face did little to hide the unsettling glint in his eyes that seemed to ooze with a hunger that had nothing to do with food.

“My dear Miriam,” Mrs. Parker spoke up with a sickening sweetness. “Don’t be shy, child. Stand apart, and let the gentleman admire you.”

Miriam took a deep breath while the other girls shrank away from her. With a choked sob, Fatima also retreated, leaving Miriam utterly alone with the monstrous figure before her.

Konrad still thought he was dreaming as he brought his hands up to her breasts, massaging the pert C-cup tits jutting out, so perfect and soft. He reached behind her and stroked her ass, smiling at her lack of resistance. This really was heaven! He put his hands between her legs, savoring the silky smooth skin and the dry flesh not yet responding to his fingers rubbing her labia.

“Can I spend a night with her, boss?” Konrad asked hopefully.

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