Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader - Cover

Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 24 - Four new girls inducted

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 24 - Four new girls inducted - A man with a sleazy, perverted past but a particular set of skills, becomes Edward Pembroke. He is employed on a mission, to procure beautiful women and introduce them to a life of sex slavery against their will

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Horror   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Body Modification   Violence  

Samira and Miriam, adrift on a sea of dreams after another day exploring Istanbul, envisioned journeys, new lives, and the lingering ghosts of their siblings. But a horrifying undercurrent snaked through their sleep – visions of masked figures, silent and menacing. They woke fitfully, their limbs leaden and unmoving, their bodies contorted into agonizing positions. Thick gags muffled their mouths, and darkness blinded their eyes.

Slowly, a horrifying truth dawned on them. They weren’t dreaming. They were bound, gagged, and at the mercy of some unseen force, hurtling towards an unknown fate.

Unlike Samira and Miriam, Natalia and Tatiana found no solace in dreams. Every jolt of the vehicle sent fresh pain through their already aching bodies. The sickening realization that “kindly” Geoff had been a calculating monster all along, in league with the other, already vicious man, twisted the knife in their guts. A sliver of hope, fragile as a spider’s thread, had flickered when Geoff first appeared. Now, it was extinguished, replaced by cold, suffocating terror. They dreaded the horrors that awaited them, wishing now they were back with the brutal but predictable Chechens.

It was late in the evening when the truck arrived at the compound. The boxes were wheeled in one by one to the “waiting room.” The first two boxes were left in the waiting room, while the other two were taken to a different room.

Mrs. Parker had been hurriedly ordered to wear a short black dress, fishnet stockings, high heels, and garish makeup. The occupants of the black boxes were to be under no illusions about the roles they would be procured for.

“There, there girls, let’s get you up.” Mrs. Parker had to steel herself against the smell, as Tatiana and Natalia had been kept in the boxes for nearly 36 hours by this stage. They were dressed in lingerie but far from alluring, their pleading faces wracked with stress, barely able to stand or move their limbs after such prolonged confinement. “Poor girls,” sighed Mrs. Parker, aware they might not understand her. “I’m afraid this lingerie is very pretty, but it’s best to get rid of it.” She produced a pair of scissors and cut all the underwear off the Russian girls. The girls could barely resist, only mewing in unhappiness. Mrs. Parker then had to wash and wipe the girls clean. She had to admit to herself that these girls were beautiful, yet more females seized from their worlds.

Pembroke and Dmitri walked in, both grinning and leering at the now-clean girls as Mrs Parker wheeled out the filthy boxes.

“Well, Tatiana and Natalia, I am sure by now you can guess what has happened. Unlike the other girls I have taken, you were already whores. You are both quite delicate, which I like, but I hope you can draw on the misery of having your bodies used to get through the rest of your lives. You see, you are going to be used for your bodies, but not as the cheap whores those Chechens sold you as. Instead, I will commodify you as something more exclusive.”

The girls barely looked the men in the eyes. They wore expressions of deep sadness and weary, resigned acceptance, acknowledging this as their fate. Their dreams had turned into nightmares, leaving them shattered. The thought of being at the mercy of the thug beside their supposed savior filled them with dread, but the switch from “Geoff,” the friendly Englishman, to the Russian-speaking, cold, evil gangsters filled them with terror. They could hardly bear to look at each other, each consumed by shame and guilt, as if they had brought this disaster upon themselves.

“You see, I am in the business of procuring and selling girls for exclusive use, for life, by distinguished buyers—men of refined taste who want more than just ordinary women and prostitutes. They want human beings they own completely, body and soul, like an animal. I do feel sorry for your previous owners, for stealing their products, but I do not feel like they were using you to your potential, especially as sisters. You will be marketed as rare diamonds, hidden away from the world and enjoyed in private, not offered to every Tom, Dick, and Harry on the street.”

Pembroke stroked each girl’s face, forcing them to make eye contact with him. “Now, I know you probably think you faced a harsh regime before, and I’m sure you were scared of those Chechens. But here, you will learn absolute discipline. You will obey, quickly and without question. You will partake in every form of sexual depravity imaginable. Those Chechens had sisters, and they did nothing to force you to have sex with each other! What a shame. No, I am afraid I have no sympathy for them. You will be trained much more thoroughly here and will soon wish you were back in that whorehouse in Istanbul.”

Mrs. Parker returned to the room. “Mrs. Parker, remove their gags.”

Mrs. Parker obliged, and the women slowly adjusted, starting to use their mouths again.

“Anything to ask?” Pembroke inquired.

“Did you target us from the start?” Natalia asked sadly.

“Originally, I just wanted to fuck a whore. But I am an opportunist; it is how I get half my stock. When I realized you were sisters and that the hard work of separating you from your happy, secure lives had already been done, well, I thought I would poke until I got an opening. You see, girls, I enjoyed playing with you. I love the anticipation of procurement. You will be easy money for me when I sell you.”

“What about our families, they will be blamed, when you took us.”

“Yes, well, the Chechens will not be happy with your disappearance, and I am sure their mother and aunt disappearing will not be easy to bear either! “ laughed Pembroke. The girls were aghast.

“But you wanted to escape; this is the price you were willing to pay. I am not responsible, and I don’t care if they take revenge against your families. My only concern is training you now, and believe me, whether they target your families or not, I have all your family’s details, which you helpfully provided. And I will target them if you disobey me here. Believe that! You will always have your families’ lives in your hands. You may have already sentenced some of them to death with your escape from the Chechens, but you will definitely sentence them to death if you frustrate me.”

The girls looked sadly at each other. Pembroke was pleased; they were already half broken in. “Now, Mrs. Parker will take you to see the other girls. You will be spending your time in a cell with them as we train you and find you a suitable buyer with whom you will spend the rest of your lives. Tomorrow, you will be performing incestuous lesbian sex with each other. I just wanted that thought to be with you tonight as you try to spend your first night here in your new life,” Pembroke smiled wickedly.

Pembroke clapped as Dmitri and Mrs. Parker escorted the two broken females out of the room, through the hall, and into the cell. The two women were shocked to see nine naked girls, looking quiet, shocked, and cowed, in the cell. Released from their bounds, they hugged each other and cried softly in a corner, staying away from the other dispassionate girls, whose gazes were fixed on the floor, a shared script of resignation etched on their faces.

Mrs. Parker’s next task was to wheel in the next two black boxes to the waiting room. She opened them up and gently coaxed each terrified girl out. The sight of the blonde woman with blue eyes, dressed in an outfit they had only seen in adult movies, was terrifying. What had happened? They had gone to bed in their hotel room, and now where on earth had they ended up? They could see they were in their bed underwear but tried to get away when they saw the woman approach with scissors.

“Now, now girls, you will only hurt yourselves,” Mrs. Parker said as the girls collapsed on the floor, a mixture of the bindings and their limbs being cramped and bound up for over 12 hours. They then had to suffer the indignity of this woman, who only spoke English, cleaning them like babies after getting them naked.

Mrs Parker sighed as she took in their young forms, they looked and seemed like children, so innocent and disorientated. She told herself she would try and be easy on them in training.

After Mrs. Parker left, the cousins looked at each other in their respective bondage. They were grateful that at least they were still together, but they were confused and terrified about what lay ahead.

But their nightmares would continue. In walked Pembroke, or Firas Rahma as they remembered him, followed by three grotesque characters, each more horrifying than anyone they had ever met or even seen in their previously innocent, protected lives.

Jamal Haddad, a giant Arab man with half his jaw missing and only one eye, stood six feet six inches tall. His ugly, scowling face and huge build were intimidating, and his massive hands made the girls think of something sinister.

Mrs. Al-Haraz, a petite but wiry Arab woman, with horrific burn marks around her head and side of her arm. Half her hair was missing, and one side of her face was seared flesh. Her two dark eyes, one flashing from red scaly skin, grinned maliciously. She wore dark makeup and an obscene, revealing black basque with a transparent mini skirt covering a black thong. Her legs tapered into PVC boots as she looked hungrily at the girls.

And a young woman, completely naked, bound and gagged like Samira and Miriam, appeared next. She looked Arab and familiar but had horrific scars across her face, and one eye was just a black mess of flesh where an eye had been.

The young woman was Zara. While the girls averted their eyes and had not recognized her, she was convulsed into shock at the sight of her younger sister, naked at Pembroke’s mercy along with her cousin, Miriam. She wailed into her gag, collapsed to her knees, and crashed her head against the ground.

As Mrs Al-Haraz angrily pulled her up by the hair, the two girls took another look at the unhappy, scarred face, and were shocked. It couldn’t be...?

“Samira Al-Tayeb, Miriam Ben-Ali, welcome to the first day of the rest of your lives!” Pembroke ruffled their hair as they knelt at his feet, luxuriating in the dark pools of confusion.

“Poor girls, in case you think you are still having nightmares, I can assure you that you are many hundreds of miles from the safety of your families in that hotel in Istanbul. You will probably never see them ever again, unless you have more pretty cousins and sisters, in which case you may meet them here in an unhappy reunion, just like young Zara here!”

Pembroke allowed the girls to make eye contact, letting the desperate, heart-wrenching gasps from Zara convey more than he ever could with words. Pembroke idly groped Zara’s breasts as they shook with sobs, and took one nipple in his mouth as he bent down. Zara closed her one remaining eye and looked away in shame. Pembroke looked up with malice at the shaking figures of the girls watching.

Samira and Miriam had never seen porn, had never seen another girl naked, and this lewd display was something beyond their comprehension. Both had grieved Zara, but to see her deformed and abused like this, when all they remembered was going to bed with their families, was unbearable.

Miriam suddenly collapsed from the stress, falling and banging her head on the ground. Her brain could not process the horrific reality.

Mrs. Al-Haraz cursed and went to wake her up. Miriam came to, and upon seeing the gruesome face come into view, she was even more terrified. She began to hyperventilate, struggling to get oxygen through the gag, the reality crashing down on her. This was incomprehensible, but it was really happening!

Samira tried to think, what had happened to her beautiful sister? She had not drowned; she had been kidnapped by this man, tortured, and branded on her face. What horrible fate awaited her now? She silently prayed for her family to help her, wondering where they were.

“This must be very disorienting for you sweet, innocent girls,” Pembroke drawled. He was concentrating on their bodies. He had made a good choice. Samira had the athletic, taut body of her sister, with maybe some puppy fat that exercise would burn off, and Miriam had surprisingly large breasts on her small frame, with a tight, tapered waist flaring into generous hips. Black hair and black eyes, honey-colored hair and eyes, olive skin and freckled tanned skin—they were a nice combination, two lovely additions to his coterie of slave girls.

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