Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader - Cover

Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 15 - New girls told what their new lives will be

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - New girls told what their new lives will be - A man with a sleazy, perverted past but a particular set of skills, becomes Edward Pembroke. He is employed on a mission, to procure beautiful women and introduce them to a life of sex slavery against their will

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Horror   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Body Modification   Violence  

Holly Streatham remembered drinking with her friends in the house, feeling great when suddenly she had become drowsy and thought she should lie down. The next thing she remembered, she was standing up in a dark place, next to two other female bodies, squeezed tight like sardines, naked and unable to move her hands and legs, with a gag in her mouth. They swayed as if on the sea, and the mixture of alcohol, God knows what else, the bindings, the darkness, the other silent females squashed up next to her, the stench, and the movement of the sea, made her retch repeatedly.

The first sight of light came as the lid of the compartment was lifted hours later. She was grateful for the air, but as she was yanked up, she was in no doubt what was going on. The men put their fingers all over and inside her, and she saw nothing but the blue sea around her on the boat. She was astonished to recognize the man in charge as the man she had saved from her friends the previous day!

She had read about Barbary corsairs. Were these the modern-day equivalents? Her fellow prisoners were two gorgeous blonde girls who seemed to be sisters, but as they were all gagged, they could not communicate.

Pembroke, Kwame, and Dmitri made another easy entry into the Karatas harbour. The three girls were hauled out of the compartment. They were stuffed into a large black holdall and brought off the yacht onto a van, driven out from the quaint port into the rural interior, and to the compound. Jamal greeted them, and Pembroke thanked the Gods again for having such a reliable second-hand man to remain with the females.

Ingrid and Freja had the horrible realization they were at their final destination. It had been ten days since they had last been free, in Gothenburg. They had travelled thousands of miles across Europe since, in strict bondage, never able to speak to each other, facing discomfort and sexual abuse.

The girls had not lost their beautiful bodies. Even with the smell, the men still loved the teenage flesh.

The sight of Jamal did nothing to comfort the three new captives, his huge body and grossly deformed face making him seem monstrous even next to the evil brutes who had brought them here.

The girls were still bound, gagged, and cuffed at their ankles and wrists, forcing them to walk with short, shuffling steps. Their eyes darted around in terror, taking in the grim surroundings, the men who had brought them here, and each other. The complex they were entering loomed large and foreboding, resembling an abandoned factory.

As they were herded through one cavernous hall after another, the walls, once adorned with the remnants of industrial equipment, now stood bare and menacing.

The further they went, the more the place felt like a prison, with its windowless walls closing in on them. Holly glanced at Ingrid and Freja, their eyes wide with panic, their bodies trembling with every step.

The men guided them into a small room that seemed like an office, with a desk, a chair, and old office equipment.

“Kneel down!” Pembroke commanded. The girls slowly sank to their knees, the hard floor biting into their skin. The men left, and the door slammed shut.

The girls just looked at each other, their eyes wide with terror and confusion. They had no urge to get up; there was nowhere to go, nothing that could be done. The bindings on their wrists and ankles were too tight, and the gags in their mouths rendered them voiceless.

Ingrid shifted slightly, moving to one side to brush her shoulder against her sister, Freja. Ingrid stared into Freja’s eyes, trying desperately to convey her support through her frightened gaze. She willed her sister to understand that they were in this together, she would look after her little sister.

Freja’s eyes filled with tears, but she nodded slightly, acknowledging the silent message.

Holly watched them, her own heart aching with fear.

Footsteps, from high heels, came echoing through the hall. The girls tensed, their bodies rigid with fear. The door creaked open, and to their surprise, in walked a blonde, middle-aged woman. She had a comely face, made up perfectly, with her blonde hair held up in an elegant style, and she smiled brightly at them.

“Hello girls, welcome to the complex!” she said cheerfully.

But it was her clothes that soon put them at unease. She was in her forties, with a buxom, matronly figure, but wore an obscenely short black dress over stockings, revealing the bare flesh of her thighs above them as she walked. Her cleavage was fully on display, the outfit more suited for a prostitute than someone in a position of authority.

The woman’s incongruous appearance made the girls’ stomachs churn. Holly, Ingrid, and Freja exchanged confused, frightened glances, their hearts pounding in their chests.

The woman approached them, her high heels clicking sharply against the floor. “I’m Mrs. Parker,” she introduced herself, her voice unnervingly friendly. “You girls will always refer to me as ‘Madam.’ Understand?”

The girls nodded fearfully, their eyes wide with apprehension. Mrs. Parker’s smile never wavered as she looked them over, her eyes lingering on their bound and gagged forms. “You must be so scared,” she said sympathetically.

She walked around them slowly, her heels echoing ominously in the small room. The girls couldn’t help but follow her with their eyes, every movement heightening their sense of dread.

“Here in the complex, we have very strict rules,” Mrs. Parker continued, her voice smooth and authoritative. “I have to follow them just as much as you do. The most important rule is that disobedience will not be tolerated.”

Mrs. Parker crouched down in front of the girls, treating them to a full view up her skirt of her black underwear, seemingly unembarrassed. The provocative display made the girls’ stomachs churn.

“I am sure you have lots of questions about what has happened to you and what the future holds. I am going to help you as much as I can, but before we start, please remember, I am also a slave like you. I just have more power. I have authority over you, but I have to enforce my Master’s will, and I will always be obedient to his wishes, as you must be.”

The girls had been through so much, from the disgusting men, that this nice woman so lewdly presented seemed almost scarier with her kind demeanor, combined with her revealing attire.

“Now, let’s get those gags off, shall we? You must be so uncomfortable.” She reached out, her fingers deftly removing the gags one by one.

As the gags were removed, Holly licked her dry lips, her mouth sore and parched. Ingrid and Freja did the same, their eyes never leaving Mrs. Parker’s face.

“There we go,” Mrs. Parker said, straightening up and smoothing her dress. “Much better. Now, any questions?”

The girls hesitated, unsure who should speak first. The silence was thick with fear and confusion.

“Freja! Are you okay?” Ingrid burst out, her voice trembling.

“I’m not, I’m hurt, I feel...” Freja began, her voice breaking.

“Stop!” Mrs. Parker interrupted, her tone sharp. She was mindful that this was being recorded but had been ordered not to reveal this to the girls. She had to conceal her sympathy, for her own sake. But she also knew that it would not have done much good anyway. There was no sugar-coating the girls’ brutal new reality.

“No talking among yourselves, only with me. I asked you if you had any questions for me. Now, please remember to be obedient. I know this is hard, but it’s a steep learning curve.”

The sisters looked at the woman, then at each other, their eyes filled with desperation. Freja, her voice a frantic babble, spoke up. “Please, the men, they kidnapped us, they pretended to be soldiers, and they took us. They killed our friend, they said. They took us all the way from Sweden. I don’t know how long, but we were so scared, I thought we might die...”

Mrs. Parker’s smile faded slightly. “I understand this is difficult for you,” she said, her voice measured. “But you must accept your new reality. You are here now, and you must follow the rules. Your past life is gone. The sooner you accept that, the easier it will be for you.”

Holly, finding a sliver of courage, raised her voice. “What do you want from us? Why are we here?”

Mrs. Parker’s eyes locked onto Holly’s, her gaze intense. “Your new life will be to serve. Your previous life is irrelevant now; it is gone. You will never see your family and friends again. You will never be free, and you will never have a normal life. You have a new purpose, and you will be trained for it here. I will do everything I can to help you transition.”

The girls’ horrific kidnapping and voyage had already indicated they were prisoners, and their rapes had shown them they would be brutalized, but never to see their families again? This could only mean...

“Are you...” Holly choked, “Are you going to kill us?”

Mrs. Parker’s smile was a grim shadow of its former self. “No, we are not going to kill you, unless the Master wills it, which would be a waste. It will be up to you. Your value lies in your ability to serve. Ending your life would be a waste of resources. As long as you obey, you will live. The life you once knew is over, but you will continue to exist in this new reality.”

Freja, her voice barely above a whisper, asked, “What will we have to do?”

Mrs. Parker’s eyes softened slightly, the girl looked no older than fifteen. “You will be trained to meet the demands of those who want to buy you for their own purposes. You girls, you have already been pre-ordered, which means a buyer already exists for you. You will be trained according to whatever specifications are given. Your role will be almost fully to serve your new buyer and owner sexually, and so your time here will be fully devoted to sex, learning about sex, and pleasing your future owner. Above all, we will train you on obedience, on how to please, and on maintaining the demeanor expected of you.”

Freja looked at her sister, they both turned red. Holly shouted.

“You fucking bastards! You will not away with this!”

“Please,” said Mrs Parker. “I understand this is a shock, though I believe you all have been if not fully raped, then severely sexually assaulted for the last few days. I would have thought even young girls like you should know that, well, you are beautiful, and men will want you.”

“You cannot buy and sell us!” Ingrid was furious, her voice shaking with rage and disbelief.

“Now, I am going to have to remind you to refer to me as Madam. Obedience must be followed, no matter how awful the order or situation!” Mrs. Parker’s tone was firm, her eyes narrowing as she emphasized the word “obedience.”

“Fuck you!” snarled Holly, her voice dripping with defiance.

Mrs. Parker’s eyes flashed with resignation. “Now, young lady, remember I am a prisoner here too. I am your trainer and overseer, but you must obey me. I bet you were not so cheeky to the men!” Her voice took on a hard edge, her patience clearly wearing thin.

Holly’s defiance faltered for a moment as the reality of Mrs. Parker’s position sank in. Mrs. Parker swallowed, trying to hide her own discomfort at this awful situation.

“Freja, is it?”

“My name is Holly Streatham. I’m British, and I’ve been kidnapped!”

“Sorry, Holly. Well, Holly, I cannot let you display such disobedience any more, so I am going to give you a punishment.” Mrs. Parker tried to quell her own misgivings. These girls must think her a pervert, a horrible woman. “I will give you a quick spanking on your bottom, just to show you!”

The room’s atmosphere turned silent with shock, and Holly’s eyes widened in horror. She glanced at the other girls, seeing her own fear mirrored in their faces.

“Now, it is going to be just ten spanks, I am sure you may remember this when you were young and you were naughty. Believe me, you will face a lot worse than this here.”

Mrs Parker gently cupped Holly’s breasts, and pushed her forward, until Holly was bent forward with her face almost touching the ground, her bound hands helpless behind her back. Her buttocks now jutted up in the air. Holly swallowed hard, the indignity of the situation making her cheeks burn with embarrassment and humiliation.

“Freja, Ingrid, look at me while I punish Holly. You need to learn too!”

The Swedish girls watched the woman, cradling the nubile English teenager, whose body was shaking as the older woman’s hands gently caressed her bottom. The girls could see right up the woman’s skirt again. Despite the fact she knew what she was doing was wrong, and that she had been forced into it, Mrs Parker’s own pussy was getting wet touching this young girl. She raised her hand.

“Smack!” The sound wasn’t loud, but it made Holly jump and jerk upright, her breasts leaving Mrs. Parker’s supporting hand.

“Back down, darling, there will be a few more, but they won’t be painful.”

Holly, her face burning with humiliation, lowered herself again.

Mrs. Parker continued to slap Holly’s buttocks, each one landing with a stinging sensation that was more about the indignity than the pain. Holly could feel her skin reddening with each smack, the shame of her position overwhelming her.

“There, that’s done.” Mrs. Parker’s voice was tinged with a mix of resignation and authority. “Now, Holly, I do not want you to think that all punishments will be so gentle. That is tame compared to what you will experience here!”

When she was done, Holly cried, refusing to meet her eyes. Mrs. Parker got up and leaned back against the table, spreading her legs in front of them, aware that the girls could see right up her skirt.

“Now, any sensible questions?” Mrs. Parker asked.

The girls exchanged fearful glances, their discomfort palpable in the stifling silence that followed Mrs. Parker’s question.

“Madam ... please Madam ... our father, he has cancer. He does not have long to live, it will hurt him so much, please we will do anything we have to see him or talk to him.”

Mrs Parker steeled herself again. The evil Pembroke would laugh his head off at this. She would have to be strong here, to avoid a beating.

“I am sorry, girls. But that is of no concern to the Master, nor to your future owner. Money has changed hands, and even if it had not, you are worth too much to be let go, especially now you have been taken.”

“No!” Freja moaned. “Please, please have a heart!” The two sisters were in tears, rocking back and forth in their bonds. “Papa,” cried the younger one.

Mrs. Parker struggled to control her voice. “Enough! Now, I have said quite clearly, that you are not being released. You are going to be trained to be sex slaves for your future owners.”

“Please, Madam,” Holly’s eyes were dead with dread. “How can we get out of this?”

“Young lady, you don’t get out of it. I don’t get out of it. The only escape is through the incinerator, and even then, your families and friends will be targeted. You are now the Master’s property, and soon, you will be someone else’s property. You do not own your bodies. Any damage you do to yourselves, he will avenge against your families.” Mrs. Parker’s voice faltered as she delivered the grim warning.

“What kind of organization is this? Are you terrorists or a government? Where are we?” Holly tried to be practical.

“The Master and his organization procure girls for wealthy men. There is no ideology, it’s about money and sex. You are very valuable, and my role is to polish you some more,” Mrs. Parker explained.

“You are a prisoner, aren’t you?” Holly asked, detecting the northern English accent. “Where are you from?”

“That is not your concern, Holly. Again, you failed to refer to me as Madam. I will not talk more about the organization, nor about my own life before I came here.”

“The police will find out,” Ingrid said. “They will arrest you if you do not help us!”

“Ingrid, my dear girl, I am helping you. I cannot get you out of here even if I wanted to,” Mrs. Parker smiled sweetly. “Perhaps the police will find us. But in the months I have been here, that has not happened. The Master is very careful.”

The girls went silent. What could they ask her? She was at best a useless servant and at worst an evil accomplice.

“Now, girls, I would like to ask a few questions,” Mrs. Parker adopted a cheerful tone. “Were you virgins before you were taken? Ingrid, Freja?” She asked the question as casually as if she were inquiring about their hobbies.

The girls were appalled, their faces blanching at the intrusion and the callousness of the question.

Mrs. Parker’s tone shifted abruptly, her eyes turning cold. “If the Master has not found out already, he will need to know. So tell me,”

“I wasn’t a virgin,” Holly said, lifting her head proudly. “I had a boyfriend and we had sex a few months ago.” Her voice wavered, but she held her gaze steady. “Then your bosses kidnapped me, and they stuck their fingers into me for days when I was on that boat, and they ... they...” Holly began to cry, the proud defiance crumbling into raw pain.

“Oh dear, girls. Yes, the boys like to be rough. They like young girls, and they like fucking them. Here, there are no rules for them, there is no such word as “rape” here. I have experienced and seen worse than that here.” Her words stunned the room into silence, the sniffles fading away. “I have been fucked in all the holes in my body, I have been pissed on, slapped, kicked, punched, and I have seen it done to all the girls here,” her tone grew stronger, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity.

“Listen, girls. I am not your enemy here. I am your superior, but not your enemy. You need to accept that you will be sexually abused for the rest of your lives. You need to get used to it, and the training her is all about that. Men...” she cleared her throat to hide her disgust “you will see the worst side of them here, they like to inflict pain, they like to humiliate and hurt girls. Your job here is to be objects. Who knows, your future owners might be nice but don’t count on it.”

The woman looked at Freja again. “Darling, I’m sure your father is a good man. But you won’t meet good men again. You just have to get used to it. You might even enjoy some of it. Sex can be enjoyable, you will spend most of your time bored, the rest having sex, and some time in pain or having to do disgusting things. If you behave well, your pain will be minimized. And what I was saying about your families ... that is not an idle threat. If you love your families, you will behave, and you will be good girls here, and for the rest of your lives. Their lives will depend on it!”

“Why are you here?” blurted out Freja. “Why did they choose you?”

“I am not going to answer that Freja. You and your sister were chosen because you were beautiful, and possibly for other reasons, I am not told these things. But again, you did not call me Madam. I am sorry, but we will now have to spank your bottom!”

“No ... please...” Freja was mortified, her eyes wide with fear.

“Freja! When you are sentenced to be punished, by the men, or by another woman who is a lot worse than me, you will never beg for mercy. You will stay silent, present yourself, or say you are sorry for your infraction. Now, bend over!” Mrs. Parker’s voice was firm, leaving no room for defiance.

Freja choked with shame as she bent over, relying on Mrs. Parker’s outstretched hand to cup her breasts. Mrs. Parker allowed herself to feel a frisson of pleasure as the nipples grazed into her palm, the breasts firm and round like small oranges.

“Remember, Freja, this is for your own good,” Mrs. Parker said, A gentle spanking ensued, and Mrs Parker left her palm lingering on her red rosy buttcheeks each time, leaving no doubt that she enjoyed the teenager’s body.

Mrs. Parker returned to her normal posture, towering over the girls. Her knickers were now clearly visible to them as she walked back and forth in front of them.

“Everything is sexualized here. Everything. You will have to get used to it, or you will go mad! The better you are at sex, the better it will go for you. The less you disobey, the less pain. Freja and Ingrid, I don’t mind telling you that you will be used against each other. I’m sure you don’t want the other to suffer for your own sins, so please remember to be obedient!”

“Yes,” Ingrid cried, thinking she had to protect her little sister.

“Yes, Madam! Ingrid, am I correct in thinking you are jealous of your little sister? Perhaps you want a spanking too?” Mrs. Parker crouched down in front of her, barely making an effort to close her legs.

“No, Madam! Sorry, Madam,” Ingrid replied, her voice trembling with fear and submission.

“That’s better.” Mrs Parker felt a little more comfortable now. She had to balance impressing Pembroke, with her own need to have authority over these girls and give them the best protection available.

“Now girls, were you virgins?” she asked sweetly, this time, letting her hand linger on Ingrid’s head.

Both girls nodded.

“Did you lose your virginity during transport?” Mrs. Parker asked, her tone light and playful, adopting a mock ignorance.

The girls were silent, their faces pale and tense. “They ... did things,” Freja finally whispered.

“What did they do?” Mrs. Parker continued in the same mockingly playful tone. “Please, tell me everything. I want to know.”

Freja’s eyes welled up with tears, her voice barely audible. “They touched us, everywhere. Forced themselves on us.”

“In which holes?” Mrs Parker’s shocking question was delivered with the tone of a question on the weather.

“They put their ... cocks inside my asshole ... and my mouth ... and they put fingers in my vagina...” Ingrid could barely get the words out through her sobs.

“Me too!” wailed Freja. She looked at her sister in solidarity.

“Ah, that must mean your future owner wants to take your vaginal virginity himself.” Mrs Parker turned to Holly.

“Holly? How was your trip?”

“Those bastards did the same to me. I ... I am injured, my ass is bleeding, I can feel it. They are all really big...”

“Oh yes” said Mrs Parker. “I am going to examine you medically after this with the Master, to look over you. We can care for your wounds. For now, this is just an introduction!”

“When can we get out of these cuffs?” Holly wanted to feel her arms and legs, and the Swedish girls longed to be able to walk and feel their hands for the first time in days.

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