Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader - Cover

Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 9 - Lovers taken at the Lake

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Lovers taken at the Lake - A man with a sleazy, perverted past but a particular set of skills, becomes Edward Pembroke. He is employed on a mission, to procure beautiful women and introduce them to a life of sex slavery against their will

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Horror   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Body Modification   Violence  

Dmitri Voskov was no-ones idea of a decent human being. Born from an alcoholic, heroin addicted mother in 1980s Moscow, he had been a petty criminal and orphan by the time he was drafted into the Russian army. He suffered a gunshot wound to the leg, not from the Chechen militias he was supposed to be fighting, but from his superior, disgusted at the fact he had been caught raping the daughter of a couple held for questioning. Discharged, he tried to fit into the Moscow underworld but the hardened Russian criminals found the slimy greasy low IQ Dmitri good for little but scaring small businessmen as a henchmen.

He had a fondness for girls which was never reciprocated. Missing several teeth, scarred from several knife fights and with a foetal alcoholic face, the short squat Dmitri was eternally frustrated. Eventually, he found himself more effective as an informer by threatening the businessmen’s young daughters, but this only worked for a while. Even the Russia mafia had limits and he had his nose almost sliced off as a punishment and kicked out of the organisation. From then he became a travelling hobo until one night he spotted two young schoolgirls while drunk, and raped both of them. After nearly being lynched by the local townfolk, he was arrested and found to be the suspect in a series of rapes and murders across Russia and was sentenced to life in prison.

After 12 years in a brutal prison where, as a rapist, he was subject to the harshest conditions and punishments from other inmates, he was offered a lifeline. Vladmir Putin’s war was going badly in Ukraine, and he volunteered for the front lines and a pardon for his terrible crimes. Having a keen instinct for survival, he played dead in an offensive and surrendered himself to the other side. The Ukrainians released him and let him wander into Europe as a refugee and he ended up living in Germany where his impulses got him in trouble again with young women late at night. He was in prison awaiting deportation when Edward Pembroke read the story in the media. Unlike others who were furious at the scum allowed to stay in Germany, Pembroke spotted potential.

Sabine Muller was just 21, newly graduated in law from Ludwig Maximilian University. She scorned offers from major law firms. Instead, all she cared for were the rights of asylum seekers and refugees. She threw herself into applying for law firms holding up the human rights of the most marginalised, after all, first they came for the refugees, those most demonised, then they came for the rest of humanity!

When she first faced Dmitri, she had to force herself to face her own demons. Dmitri, ugly, a toothless smile, an ugly, scarred face, was everything she found disgusting. He had looked at Sabine with a lecherous grin, but Sabine had stopped herself from hating him. Poor Dmitri, he had been a victim, of the Russian penal system, the war in Ukraine, and was likely framed in the first place.

She hated the right wing elements in Germany making unfortunate people like Dmitri into scapegoats. If only he had been given the chances she had, loving parents, a stable upbringing and good education.

Against the advice of the lawyers at the firm she was starting out in, she had connected with a journalist, Philippe Papin. His Linked and twitter profile showed a forty something Frenchman, about fifty, who was passionate about refugee rights and stopping the rise of right wing parties.

Sabine’s instagram, linkedin, facebook and twitter profiles showed her as a passionate young woman, full of hope, vigour and passion. Dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, tall at 5 feet 9, a natural rebel.

Sabine was working on Dmitri’s release, and on securing an interview between Philippe Papin and Dmitri. She had to play hardball with the German authorities, and also Philippe’s schedule which was full of busy commitments.

Sabine did allow one interlude into her professional commitments. The love of her young life. Anna Gao, whom she had met last year while skiing in St Moritz. What began as a casual conversation over coffee in a cozy lodge soon blossomed into a profound bond. Both were the children of high achievers, of wealth, and both wanted to give something back to society, world they soared high above.

Sabine admired Anna’s beauty and her skiing prowess, and her smarts. Anna had loved Sabine’s passion and intellect. Anna would soon go to Stanford, and the two wondered how they would cope being so far apart. Their parents had been supportive, they did not mind that they were both girls, they were in love, and they were both decent, good people.

Sabine was intrigued with the meeting with Philippe Papin that morning. He appeared as a messy, laid back French left wing activist. “Forgive me, Sabine, so much to do. Germany is so much more advanced than France!” His German was broken and Sabine smiled at his efforts. “It’s OK Philippe, I love your articles! I hope you can help poor Dmitri!”

Sabine, Philippe and Dmitri got together in an interview room in the prison. Sabine smiled at the Russian man while Dmitri smiled back at the only female who had smiled at him in years. “Hello Dmitri” said Philippe “Can we talk in Russian?”

Sabine sat back while Philippe conversed with the prisoner in Russian, understanding nothing. She was just happy that Dmitri could converse in his own language, feeling safe, and hoped that this would help him in his bid to seek release next week.

“OK, Mr Vostov, let’s cut the crap. The girl cannot understand, OK?” Philippe asked. Dmitri’s eyes darted to the older man with the fluent Russian. This man, unlike Sabine, was not a do-gooding idiot. Sabine went to her phone and messaged Anna, texting her and sending likes to her recent photos on Instagram, both of her skiing, and in her underwear, after workouts.

“Dmitri, in Russia, you were a scumbag. A rapist, a deserter, a criminal. And now in Germany, you are a rapist again. You are 40 years old, what do you think is going to happen in the next 30 years? Are things going to get better?”

Dmitri was taken aback. He looked at Sabine, in her trouser suit, her shirt clinging to her chest, smiling in her own little world at her phone.

“Don’t worry, Dmitri, this stupid bitch does not understand anything. But she can get you out of here!” Philippe grinned at Dmitri, recognising a kindred spirit. “What do you want?” asked Dmitri, with suspicion at this urbane educated multilingual man.

“Listen Dmitri, I am a daring man. I go out and I take what I want. I use people, I use this stupid German bitch sitting beside me! What I want is to create a harem of pretty young cunts, just like the young bitch sitting beside me. You are a fucking scumbag, unlike this gullible idiot, I know what you are. Tell me, come on, what do you want to do to this cute German girl, just tell me, promise I will not say!”

Dmitiri laughed, and stole a glance at Sabine. “Look, OK, I would fuck that bitch, she is so hot, you should have seen the skirt she wore a few days ago! I saw right up inside her ... but yeah. If I ever see her on the street outside, I would rape her but ... she is nice ... she is trying to get me out of here...”

Papin, aka Edward Pembroke, smiled at Sabine, who grinned back, and then went back to her phone. “Listen Dmitri, this is between you and me. I know you are a hopeless criminal. You cannot go back to Russia or you will be killed, if you stay here you will spend years more in prison. What if I told you, there is a place where I can find work for you, where your talents “can be recognised? Where you can oversee beautiful females, unwilling, like Sabine here?”

Dmitri found it hard to believe this Frenchman. “Dmitri, you have no future outside of prison. I am here to offer you help. Not take help like these refugee people. Real help. You can come disappear, and work for me. Looking after young woman that are held against their will, as slaves. Girls like Sabine here, what do you think?”

Sabine sat back and smiled at Dmitri. She did not understand the Russian language but wanted Dmitri to feel safe.

“Look, Mr Pembroke, I think you are talking nonsense, so please just leave me alone...” Dmitri thought this all sounded too good to be true.

Edward Pembroke insisted. “Listen, why do you think someone like me would be here? I have an opportunity for you. If you don’t want it, that is fine. Tell Sabine here that you find me a little strange and don’t want to see me again. You are happy to happy to be sent back to Russia, or Ukraine, or to to end up here again. Or if you want to work for me, to have girls like Sabine here, suck your cock every day, then listen to what I have to say!”

Dmitri looked again at Sabine, who was oblivious to the friendly seeming Papin, now talking about her as if she was a sexual object. “See, Dmitri? That stupid cunt, she thinks she is someone. She has no idea how I am. I am a seller of women. I came for her, and I come for you! Listen, I tell you what. You can do one of three things. You can tell this pretty little girl everything, and nothing will happen, I will disappear, and I probably will still take her anyway. You can say nothing, and I will take her, but you will remain in prison or go to Russia. Or you can co-operate with me, and I can take you and this girl to my base in the middle east, and I promise you, you will get to fuck her, as much as you want, what do you think of that?”

Dmitri smiled. He was so instinctive he barely registered that this was such a strange situation. He just decided. “Sir, I come with you, and with the girl, if you can get us both away from here!”

Pembroke grinned. “Good man!” He recognised the man. A degenerate, happy to live simply in a compound with alcohol and women. A natural order follower.

“Sir, that girl, next to you, every time she opens her mouth ... I imagine her cunt looks like just like it, I want to lick it...”

Pembroke grinned. “Dmitri, be patient, trust me, and this girl next to me, I promise you, you will fuck her, all the time you want.”

The two exchanged a look. Dmitri sensed something, from this man, something he sensed from the roughest gangsters he had known. This man was definitely not a journalist.

Pembroke broke off and spoke to Sabine in broken German.”Oh Sabine, the gentleman is truly troubled, well done for looking out for him!”

Sabine smiled. “That’s OK. Poor Dmitri, he cannot control himself, he has such a hard life, we have to help him. He just has not had the chances that I had. I owe it to men like him, to give him some opportunity, to make things right.”

Papin smiled. “Sabine, I feel like throwing myself over you to protect you! You are so kind, the world would be perfect if everyone was like you. Oh, I think Dmitri is an angry man, but there is a kindness there, somewhere...”

“Really?” asked Sabine “What did you guys talk about?”

Papin frowned. “He was mistreated. In Russia, he should never have been in prison. It really messed him up. And then the frontline Ukraine...” Papin shook his head. “I am sorry Sabine, he broke the law here in Germany, but Russia broke him.”

Sabine shook her head, “I hate that. And we have to pick up the pieces! The broken people left behind, and we have to fix them, its so awful, Philippe!”

Pembroke smiled as he watched young Sabine, nearly as tall as he, walking in her skin tight trousers, her breasts filling out her shirt. He hoped Dmitri took up his offer. He would be a great henchman, a great disciplinarian of young women ... like Sabine.

As they left the courtroom, they had to take their metallic objects off. Sabine saw him look at her taking off her pedant around her neck. She smiled. “My grandmother gave me this. When I am nervous or stressed, or think that evil is nearby, I touch this and it calms me.”

Pembroke smiled at the girl, who was already smiling and asking the security guard about his day, making him feel at ease. While she chatted with him about his family, nodding sympathetically, Pembroke moved ahead, and in the space of a thirty seconds, had lifted her pedant out from the plastic box beyond the metal detector, quickly screwed it open and inserted a tracking tag inside, then tossed it back into the box.

They walked away from the court. “Oh Philippe, what is it like in France, are people like Dmitri mistreated there too? What could we do to make sure people like him get the help he needs?”

Pembroke smiled to himself. “Dmitri may be released, he could have a new life! I fancy he has a secret intellectual side, an unpolished diamond!”

“Oh, that would be wonderful” Sabine grinned happily. “I would love to see someone like Dmitri thrive! It would show those right wing bastards, a refugee who overcomes adversity!” She suddenly gripped Pembroke’s arm. “Oh Philippe, it would make so happy if Dmitri became a good German citizen!”

“Oh, Sabine ... soon men like Dmitri will be making new lives, starting new sagas ... all over the world!” He smiled paternally at the young woman, stroking her arm.

That evening, Pembroke reflected on his progress. He now had four slave girls, two of whom were part of the seven planned for the Crown Prince of Azmaria. Soon that number would grow. He knew there must be a huge demand, not just from the Crown Prince, but others, and he made it a point to keep an eye out for other pretty young girls who might seem suitable to be adopted into a new life as a sex slave.

He needed Anna Gao, and by a happy coincidence, Sabine Muller had become a perfect conduit. Anna’s girlfriend, Sabine represented another girl, who could be sold on. Dmitri Voskov seemed perfect as a potential henchman. Two birds could kill one stone!

Anna Gao had been a little disappointed in her performance at the Winter Olympics but had her High School Finals to look forward to. She just had to pass to get into Stanford, but was scared to be apart from her partner, Sabine Muller. They were both determined to keep their relationship strong, and so had arranged a little getaway, just the two of them, in a mountain range in southern Germany. It was too late in the year for skiing, so this would be just hiking for a few days.

A few days later, Sabine arrived to meet her love, Anna, at the foothills of the Alps outside Munich. She was in a good mood. Dmitri had been released, and she had cried as she hugged him, urging him to make the best of the rest of his life. Dmitri had tried to hide his erection as the girl embraced him, as he could not help but breathe in her scent and feel her body all over him. As Sabine surveyed the vista of the Alps, she prayed that Dmitri would come good, she could not bear the alternative, that some people were innately evil. She had shown him kindness, something the surly ugly little scarred Russian had been deprived of all his life.

Sabine’s Nordic features creased into a smile as she saw the figure of Anna approaching. Anna was wearing shorts, hiking boots, a jacket, and a backpack, looking every bit the adventurous spirit Sabine adored. Sabine had just parked her car at the trailhead and was ready to spend the next few days on foot, immersed in nature with her love. These moments were precious, too few and far between, especially with Anna’s impending departure to Stanford...

Their eyes met, and they screamed with happiness, rushing into each other’s arms. Their reunion was marked by a passionate kiss, a testament to the depth of their affection and the intensity of their longing during times apart. As they held each other, some older passersby muttered disapprovingly at the open display of same-sex love. However, many others smiled warmly, touched by the visible joy and connection between the two gorgeous brunettes.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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