Set in alternate future, where humanity has spread across galaxy. There a tenuous peace amongst 3 factions and other aliens. Two female agents of Interstellar Agency are sent on a critical mission to a technologically primitive planet. As they work on completing their mission they encounter Goblins and other aliens who use local human females as domesticated animals-pony girls/milking cows. Will our two beauties complete their mission or end up as ponygirls themselves.
Genre: BDSM
Tags: Ma/Fa, Coercion, NonConsensual, Rape, Reluctant, Slavery, Lesbian, BiSexual, Fiction, Farming, High Fantasy, Zoophilia, Science Fiction, Aliens, Extra Sensory Perception, BDSM, Humiliation, PonyGirl, Exhibitionism, Lactation, Massage, Petting, Public Sex, ENF, Nudism
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Posted:In progress