Matt Rollins, divorced, befriends a 13 yo girl, Rosie O'Flannery who lives down the street and who spends the hours after school and before her parents come home from work talking to Matt.
Aiding illegal aliens in our country is an offense but it can be difficult to turn away a hungry person without some help. A small group found me and convinced me they were willing to do anything for food and water and a place to stay.
Myterious photographer gets caught up in a rape investigation... This is a non sex story please note that it will bore you to tears of you don't like mystery stories
In this adventure story, two American high school girls are kidnapped while traveling in Europe. A cruel German countess takes them to her castle to train them as sex slaves. Meanwhile, a tough American detective searches for, and attempts to free them.
Amram finds herself in the middle of a war. In between finding to cope with her powers, she is wooed by the king and the king's half-immortal half-brother.
A Extracts From My Journal Story (1) This is how I turned a fantasy about sex with a neighbour into a reality with the help of my husband. It also opens the first extract from my Journal, which will eventually reveal to the interested reader every sexual experience I've had from childhood to now.