This is, to the best of my knowledge the highest rated story by this author. It is a very good story but in my opinion equaled by some of his other work. I think the rating proves people like stories about magic and medieval life with kings and barrons better than stories about cowboys and bounty hunters. As a Barron, I have to agree.
I don't want to do anything that might spoil the story for potential readers. The author told you everything you need to know about it in his story description. I recommend you read the story.
Lets do the numbers. Remember 6 is a C, 7 is a B, 8 is an A, 9 is an A plus, and I give at most one ten a month for stories that take my breath away. The plot is a solid A, so that's an 8. I noticed imaginative use of a variety of magic spells. Technical is better than just an A, but nobody is perfect. I didn't find anything, but I had my reviewer hat on, not my proofreader hat. I assign a nine. Remember, one ten a month, at most. Appeal to reviewer is an honest A, an 8.
We might want to consider if the story ends with a life changing event. On the other hand, powerful wizard stories end differently than ordinary romances that end with getting married. Its a logical ending. Mr. Spock would approve, and so do I.