'happyhugo' writes a good story, and provides intriguing plots. The Return of Father Juan lives up to his usual standards, and stretches the reader's suspension of disbelief to the limit.
The technical quality of the story is about average, with enough errors and homonyms to irritate the reader at times. However, grammatically the work is pretty good, and at no time did I feel like abandoning the story for technical reasons.
What did nearly make me abandon the story, was the overt proselytization of Christianity. Admittedly, I'm a confirmed atheist, but normally I have no problem respecting other people's beliefs; in this case however, it just came over as too much. Personally, I find proselytization of any religion anathema, as, to my mind, most of the problems in the world can be traced back to religious roots.
After all that, I have to say that The Return of Father Juan is a good story, provided you can hack the religious side.
If you can, then read and enjoy!