Exactly as advertised, this is the romantic tale of budding lesbian love between two outcast high school girls. The story follows a well-trodden path, hitting all the required elements: A chance meeting, an embarrassing moment, rejection, curiousity, and finally acceptance.
Aside from the main characters' fetish for cursing, there's very little here to distinguish the story from a great many just like it. There's no hidden agenda or secret message and in the currently popular lexicon of imaginary persons in my head, this story is a fluff piece.
The writing is adequate, even better than that by SOL standrads, but I did note the occasional lapse in grammar and spelling. Nothing to get overly upset about. The characters weren't entirely believable at times. The dialogue in particular reminded me of an older cousin, a mean boy who would often ape the speech and mannerisms of myself and my friends. That was only because he used to get these terrible infatuations though, and with his hormonal issues, well... I never really got mad, just annoyed.
Anyway, I digress. The bottom line is that this is an average story that offers some amusement, some titillation, but in the end I was left hungry for something a little deeper, a bit more engaging than what we have here.