Author's Description:
Sir Daniel Pascov wanders the land as a travelling Knight, taking jobs as a mercenary. But he hides a dangerous secret in his past. Three years ago he was the Black Knight, the scourge of Appalania, the man who raped whole villages and fought whole armies. Now, for the first time, he is forced to come face to face with the results of the actions in his previous life and has to make a choice: does he deal the consequences or carry on running away from his memories.
Size: 112 KB (21,425 words)
Genre: Fantasy
Sex Contents: Much Sex
Tags: Ma/Fa, Mult, Consensual, Romantic, Reluctant, Rape, Magic, Heterosexual, Fiction, High Fantasy, Extra Sensory Perception, Incest, Sister, Father, Daughter, BDSM, MaleDom, Spanking, First, Violent

Review by fuzzywuzzy   [other reviews by fuzzywuzzy]


This is the autobiography of The Black Knight, the Scourge of the Kingdom, a rapist, killer, murderer, and a man who becomes aware what an unmitigated magical bastard he was for fifty long years. He became Sir Pascov hoping to escape from his tormented memories, when he took the life force of the only woman he loved, leaving her a wasted away shell.

Travelling incognito, he is paid to escort a young priestess, Sophie, to a fortified city to meet with a Coven. Along the way he fights off a whole bucket load of marauders and one marauderess, Natalie, just as sexy and beautiful as Sophie.

Now read what happens when opposing forces meet The Black Knight head on, and he can finally visit the grave of his loved one with Sophie and Natalie by his side.O.P. has done himself proud, and we can only hope for future episodes of our 'Black" hero, and his Harem.


Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10


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