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Author's Description:
A teenage boy learning about love and sex with his cute classmates, gorgeous cheerleaders, friends at summer camp, a beautiful neighbor, and even his own sisters.
Size: 1651 KB (309,659 words)
Genre: Coming of Age
Sex Contents: Much Sex
Tags: mt/ft, mt/Fa, ft/ft, Mult, Consensual, Cheating, Incest, Brother, Sister, Group Sex, Oriental Female, First, Safe Sex, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Pregnancy, Cream Pie, Big Breasts, School

Review by Erik Thread   [other reviews by Erik Thread]

Reviewed: - (Review Updated: )


An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life is a massive undertaking that bluedragon held together well, with just enough drama--drama stretched and massaged and squeezed and kneaded till thoroughly and adequately worked--to keep me hoping for another page to the chapter. But then, there were enough chapters to satisfy.
Bluedragon did an excellent job of teasing and satisfying without becoming a slut--as Brooke might describe it in a few years when she is old enough to read it.

The sex scenes were plentiful and hot and descriptive, with plenty of anatomy; but even more impressive was the emotion and the thinking that were involved in the scenes. It wasn't just tab A into slot B; it included why tab A should not go into C (oops, there it did) and what Ben (and others) felt when A was in B and what impact it made on them when it went into C.

It was a well-conceived, well-developed, well-written story of young love and lust, of great joys and despairing heartaches. It was a great read.

Pretty well-proofread with few errors. Dialogue seemed real. Action was well-prepared. There were no unexpected surprises, but there was no hum-drum "Oh, this again" either.

A pretty long read for a stroke story, but a good plot with well-developed characters kept each page fresh. Well worth the time to read--and the long effort to write.

Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 9 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10

Review by Andrew Johns   [other reviews by Andrew Johns]


In "An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life", we have the story of Ben, a H.S. Sophomore that has just started a growth spurt that takes him from small to a healthy sized young man. With the help of an older widowed neighbor, Ben starts to learn about sex, and he starts down the road of an extravagant sex life. Read along to hear his highs and lows.

The sex in this story is frequent, and often very intense. There is plenty of stroke material in this fairly long tail, so you can expect to end up reading it over the course of days.

The plot itself is pretty darn good for it being so extraordinary as opposed to ordinary. Too many of the female characters act far too advanced for their physical age was my only problem with the story. Maybe I'm just old, but I don't think most H.S. aged girls are thinking about anal sex, or experienced at it.

Technically, the story was a very easy read. I don't recall any obvious errors as I read along. The characters made some silly assumptions about birth control, which is pretty common in real life, so it is ok.

Overall, this is a great stroke piece with a pretty darn good story to go with it. Ben felt pretty spot on as a horny teenaged guy to offset how advanced the girls were. I enjoyed this story, and I look forward to starting the next novel when the author completes it.

Plot: 9 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10

Review by Finbar_Saunders   [other reviews by Finbar_Saunders]

Reviewed: - (Review Updated: )

I just finished reading the final chapter of Part I last night at midnight, after a non-stop reading of all 20 chapters.

This is going to be a front runner for whatever awards it is nominated. An absolute gem of a novel.

Technically, I think it was flawless. There might have been one or two typos now I come to think of it, but I can't recall where I might have noticed an 's' missing and anyhow, when the story is this good, who wants to be holding a red pencil -- I had my right hand occupied by something else :0)

Stroke-wise, this one is off the scale, there's just so much mental eye-candy that you could almost be forgiven if you thought you could hear some of that cheesy 70's porno-flick background music.

Plot-wise, this one does stretch one's credibility, but not too far. This is obviously a fantasy story and as such the characters all exist in that parallel universe where the minds and bodies of 16 year olds are a bit more mature than in our current reality.

The title is a great understatement, I doubt this teenage sex life could in any way be classed as 'ordinary.'

Young Ben, the protagonist, hits his adolescent growth spurt and with his hormones in full rage, he is lucky enough to fall into the hands (amongst other body parts) of an older woman who teaches him enough about sex to put him on a fast track to boinking most of the good-looking babes in his school.

I wonder if the name Ben is a clever reference to 'The Graduate' ? Mrs McNeil is certainly a lot nicer type of person than Mrs Robinson, but the effect is similar.

The synopsis mentions that Ben makes some mistakes. He actually seems to make a continual stream of them and that is one of the joys of this whole piece. I found myself groaning at each example of his errors of judgement and then being quite relieved as he manages (very slowly, he's just a boy) to learn a bit from each of them.

Bluedragon is promising a second part, and I am really looking forward to it. I might give myself a bit of a breather before I launch into it, I am actually a bit emotionally drained from this one!

Top marks all round!

Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10


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