One is almost intimidated to review a story by ShakesPeer2B. He is a hugely prolific author who has written in a number of genres, and been consistently popular across all of them with his readers. He has a number of ongoing series, and seeing his name in the "Updated stories" list immediately sets a tone of anticipation in the reader's mind. So what can one say that is not redundant to anyone who is familiar with any of his work? Perhaps one can only target the new reader in hopes of encouraging them to join in the group that look for ShakesPeer2B in the author's name column when opening the site daily.
For a start ShakesPeer2B does not write stroke stories. The stroke amount for "Getting Ahead" is low to the point of being miniscule. His stories are plot driven. The stroke amount for "Getting Ahead" is low to the point of being miniscule. Yet others of his series generate huge stroke pressure (his "House in the Woods" series are seriously erotic). So it must be said that his ability to tailor his writing to the demands of the individual story is immense. Thus the technical quality of his writing must be rated very highly.
"Getting Ahead" is allowing ShakesPeer2B to explore the development of a talented young woman constantly placed into situations of stress. His "post-sickness" world is both entirely consistent and plausible. No need for "suspension of disbelief" here (albeit some of the scenes in the "level 9 training" seem unlikely, they are plausible).
So far this story rates very high on my list of "must reads". I hope that it continues to be succesful, and that Sophie does eventually face the "head of government" style questions that her father faced in "Getting By". It will be interesting to see how she (and ShakesPeer2B) handle them.