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Author's Description:
A literary version of candy corn, this mercifully short story straddles the delicate distinction between horrific and horrible, until it finally falls off and lands on the wrong side. Readers, ye be warned!
Size: 17 KB (3,270 words)
Genre: Humor
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Tags: Ma/Fa, Horror, Humor, Oral Sex

Review by Daniellekitten   [other reviews by Daniellekitten]


I haven't done a review in a long time, but after reading this story, I had to.

My first thought when I got to the end of the story was...Oh My GAWD!!!

Now, I'm not telling why I said that or why I spit Pepsi all over my computer screen. That's something you yourself will have to find out on your own when you read the story.

Done in Marsh's usual impeccable style, it's interesting, hot, and well written, with a hint of horror, a touch of morbidity and a whole hell of a lot of humor. It's gotten so that when I read something of Marsh Alien's I know I'm going to get wrapped up in it and then think about it for hours after reading it.

Trust me when I say, this short tale is no different. Read it, if it doesn't have you at least thinking...Oh My Gawd!!! the end... well, you'll get my point. A perfect Ten Marsh and well deserved.

Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10


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