Reviewed: - (Review Updated: )
This is a very difficult review for me to write. I had a very hard time following the story. The words were clear, but I felt like I was missing something. Perhaps it is a cultural problem because I'm not American.
However, it could also be that Use1ceOnly's view of the characters is so very different from mine. In the original story Troubadour said:
"They are attractive people, keep that in mind. They are highly intelligent, caring and feeling individuals. Keep that in mind also"
Then went one to say:
"Early, a friendly, sunny natured man with a constant smile on his face" I also saw him as considerate "As he would be arriving in Seattle after midnight he had insisted Susan not meet him at SeaTac Airport."
Use1ceOnly has painted Earl as a throw back to an earlier era where he seems to be "controlling." I think.
I say all this with some care because I think the story is much better written than it appears on the surface. I am sorry that Use1ceOnly didn't include an email address, as I'd like to discuss the story with him.