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Author's Description:
What would happen if a bunch of ordinary, every-day sexual education teachers ended up at the wrong seminar, where, instead of learning tips on how to teach sex ed, they were taught how to have a more meaningful sexual relationship? What if all of them were between relationships, or in failing ones? How would they react? They might react just like the teenagers they're supposed to be teaching.
Size: 621 KB (116,426 words)
Genre: Romantic
Sex Contents: Much Sex
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Romantic, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Group Sex, First, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy, Slow

Review by fuzzywuzzy   [other reviews by fuzzywuzzy]


Sex plays an enourmous part in Bob Nivens' life, but until he meets Lori, no woman has ever really caught him. Until now, that is. Along the way we are introduced to a variety of misfits who in one week are transformed into loving couples.

I really like a good love story, and this tale of Teachers shipped to the wrong place at the wrong time to attend the wrong seminar on Sex Education really fits the bill!


Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 6 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10

Review by pairadice   [other reviews by pairadice]


BOB does his usual fine job, this time presenting a complex of stories that intertwine but stand alone well. What is amazing about the story is how well he's put it all together. Even the commercial novels don't do as good a job of holding a complex web of plots together.

I don't review stories that are less than a 10 so I'd give this one a:
stroke amount 11
Story plot 18
Technical Quality 20
Appeal to reviewer 11 (I'm more into teen incest)

Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10

Review by Andrew Johns   [other reviews by Andrew Johns]


In "The Sexual Education Blues", we have the story of a group of 9 teachers from Idaho that get sent to the wrong conference. Instead of a sexual education conference, they get sent to a conference that deals in couples getting closer and more intimate with each other. How do 9 teachers that never met before leaving for this trip handle the situation? And how does the instructor? Read along to find out!

The sex in this story takes quite a while to get to, but it is worth the wait. Each of the 5 different "couples" takes a different path to satisfying their desires, and each is worth the effort. If you are looking for pure stroke, you may not want to wait that long, but I found it worth the wait. Tension adds a lot of spice.

The plot itself was quite imaginative, and a lot of fun. The author takes a lot of time to work through various relationship problems and personal hang-ups, which allows you to root for the various forming couples.

Technically, there were only about 2 typos that I noticed throughout this story, and they didn't throw me out of my immersion.

Overall, I really liked this story. It isn't pure stroke, so if you are looking for that, you may want something else. What it happens to be is a great story with enough different characters and situations to keep things fluid over the length of the story.

If you have liked other of B.O.B.'s stories, you will like this one. If you don't like his stories, this one may turn you off. If you haven't ever read him, you are missing something good.

I recommendt this story strongly.

Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10


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