A Family Reunion is a sacrosanct Institution throughout the World. Uncles and Aunts, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Even Brothers and Sisters are enjoined to attend each years jollities as a matter of Rite! However Jason's extended family has a rule that only children over the age of thirteen may, if they are so inclined, attend this annual Camp-out and like the Native North Americans of old become initiated into this extended family.
Sad to say, Jason's mother has declined to attend for quite some time after her Initiation and the birth of their only child, and his Dad loving his mother so much agrees to abide by his wishes. But Jason's Dad has been killed in a car accident so our eighteen year old hero is asked by his mother to attend, at his dying father's last wishes, and he does so to become initiated into the Clan, to become a member of its Board of Directors and leave his imprint forever on his peers. JSG has done it again.