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As a baby boomer, I grew up with some great tunes, and "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones was right up there at the top of the list for me. I wasn't a deep thinker, so I never really wondered exactly WHAT it was they were singing about; I just enjoyed the song.
Jake Rivers has written a story that fits the lyrics of that song, and as far as I'm concerned, it is a good enough explanation of what the 'Stones were singing about back in the day.
Jim, the protagonist in the story, suffers a horrible loss and it causes him to drop out from the human race for a while. Over time he recovers somewhat, then begins to live again.
This would be a good story even if Mr. Rivers had not woven the song into it, but in so doing he turned it into a great story. It is another one that lives in my permanent collection.