Proeliator was a fascinating read in that it challenged me to think about how simple tools/machines could evolve and taught me about various chemicals I take for granted (gun powered, fertilizer, asphalt...). I actually had to read the story with a web dictionary and Google's image search sites open in other tabs just to keep up (I now know what gravid means and what a gladius looks like). While this story is very, very long, it seemed that I learned something new with each chapter.
The story did require a strong suspension of disbelief about what is possible (95% of the time things work out for the best) and I ended up mentally adding about 3-5 years to the main character's age. Some of the chapter breaks appeared arbitrary and the later chapters still need a significant about of editing. Additionally, the dialogue and ideas expressed were a bit repetitive at times, especially at the beginning when the main character repeatedly explained his visions of the future.
However, in most cases these minor imperfections did not materially detract from the story, the repetitive sections could be skimmed, and the rest was eagerly devoured.