Jill and Bobby are siblings, and for years the rivalry has been fast and furious; but now their powerful attraction to each other overcomes their sibling rivalry until Jill starts to enjoy her bouts of frottage*, and Bobby's ejaculations when they use their bodies to mutually masturbate together.
Now Jill's desire to fulfill her wont by having her brother take her virginity because she doesn't think she will become pregnant is not based on scientific reasoning, but rather her over confidence in matters sexual!
So what started out as a simple action of "one on one" ends up as a temporary expansion of her waistline, and her parents decision that she has to keep the result without the benefit of the clergy, and that is how Bobby became Uncle Bobby instead of Daddy!
*Frottage(n) The act of masturbation usually by a female by rubbing her vagina and clitoris against her sex parner's body, until she orgasms.