Reviewed: 5/15/2008
In "Master PC - The Protector", we have the story of a young college freshman named Ral starts to experience interest from women he considers out of his league. First a blonde bombshell becomes very friendly, and then starts to introduce him to her friends. Follow along as Ral meets plenty of women, and learns about what is happening to him.
The sex in this story was pretty good, but after a while, it reached a saturation point. All of the females exhibited the same characteristics, including very large breasts, or they quickly gained said large breasts. They all made it extremely easy for Ral, so there never felt like there was any romantic tension or seduction going on. That lack of tension hurt the sexual intensity for me. The fact that this story devolved somewhat with the "size" code didn't help, as it got tiresome. The volume of sex ended up hurting the overall plot, as the inter-character relationships failed to develop beyond the sexual level.
The plot itself was pretty darn good for a MC story. While not giving away the innovative mechanism the author used in his approach of the "Master PC" model, there were definitely new wrinkles added in this story. The story itself is a bit underdeveloped due to the sheer volume of women, and the compressed semester timeline, which is the only reason I don't give it a solid 10.
Technically, the story was not bad, but there were some typos on simple words or homonyms that are harder to see by the person writing it. Nothing that really ruined my immersion, but they were noticeable.
Overall, this was an intriguing plot that was damaged by too much sex. There were too many females in this story, many of whom added nothing to the story but the opportunity to fill in a sex scene idea that wouldn't work with other characters, such as twin sisters.
I also found the "size" factor to get really old for me after a while. Between Ral's modifications and the super-boob factor, the specialness of the various characters was blunted. Some things, like the ability to deepthroat, are special because not everyone can do them. When all the women can, it isn't special anymore. Likewise, the idea of having many women is appealing in my mind because of the differences in bodies and sexual likes. Most of the women were all alike in bodies, and most had the same preferences. The only variances were often hair color, or accent.
This story does continue on in a next "book", and I haven't read that yet, or the one in progress that comes after it. I'm not certain I want to. The plot should be really good, but I am not sure it will survive the blandness of the women. And that's a shame, because the author did create a very interesting story with this "book".
This makes for a pretty good stroke story with lots of material if you don't mind the sameness of the women, and the plot should make most people that want good plot with their sex quite happy. Overall, I liked this story, but I think I need a break before reading the next "book".