In this second installment of "The TGI Chronicles", we get to read about Tim's friend Dave, and is romance with Tim's secretary, Davinia. Dave is a worldly bachelor-stud type, who has kept from falling in love. Davinia is a nice girl that is coming out of a bad relationship. It is told from Dave's perspective.
The sex in this story is, like the first installment, part of the story and not the focal point. There is more sex in this book, and some of it is nicely erotic.
The plot in this story is excellent. Dave seems to have a knack for stepping on land-mines in his relationships, but he honestly doesn't mean bad. He just seems to make the wrong choice at the wrong time, but without any malicious intent. Davinia is a charming young lady that has some insecurities to work through. They fit well together when they are on the same page. Their story unfolds as the move from one problem to the next. Dave isn't willing to say what he feels, and Davinia isn't able to say what she wants from the relationship. Their friends fit nicely into the story, as well, making it very well rounded.
Technically, the story is well done, but there are errors that crop up from time to time. I don't think they will jar a reader out of the story, but some touch-ups wouldn't hurt.
All in all, I really liked this story. The ending wasn't what I wanted, but it is realistic in the sense that sometimes you don't get what you want. The characters were engaging, and their troubles were real. In fact, this is one of the more realistic stories you may read on SOL.