Let me begin this review by noting that this is my first review. Secondly, this review is also going to be somewhat unusual in that: (1) it deals with a new author (I tend to stick to authors that I know and trust); and, (2) the story is incomplete. As a rule, I tend to avoid new authors until I see some support for them in the reviews; the same with incomplete stories (there are too many great but incomplete/inactive stories on this site).
However, I am going to break these two guidelines for this story (The Wanderer's Apprentice) and this author (JJx). I have just completed the first 21 chapters of this story and it is a good one. The story is well thought-out; the plot interesting, and the characters well developed (they have multiple dimensions). The writing is also very good (good flow, few if any grammatical and/or spelling errors). These strengths are surprising given that this is the author's (JJx) first story.
After finishing the first 21 chapters, I am hooked. I am looking forward to reading the rest of this story to see how it resolves itself. I want to know what happens to the characters; I want to know how the strong tension present between the two main characters is going to be resolved; I want to know if the main characters find the peace and quiet that they deserve.
To anyone reading this review, take a chance on "The Wanderer's Apprentice" - I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed.
To JJx, congratulations for a great start. You are now on my list of authors of note - if I see another one of your stories, I will definitely read it.
Overall, highly recommended. I don't really do reviews on incomplete stories coming from first-time authors, but this one deserves it.