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Author's Description:
When raiders, the horse barbarians,attack their village, Nikshith fled with most of the other villagers. At 75, he soon had trouble keeping up with the younger people. He laid an ambush for the attackers and killed two of them before they killed him. An hour or so later, he came back to life, his wounds healed. This was the beginning of a long, long journey for him. He would learn things and do things that he had never imagined existed until he finally became something he never realized he was.
Size: 515 KB (99,370 words)
Genre: Science Fiction
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Rape, Romantic, Heterosexual, High Fantasy, Science Fiction, Extra Sensory Perception, Magic, Sadistic, Torture, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Pregnancy, Revenge, Royalty, Violent

Review by Jetcrash747   [other reviews by Jetcrash747]


The seventh story in The Ley Line Witch Series is Nicolas, a departure from Uncle Jim’s series involving Madailein Kavanagh‘s evolution into the Dragon Queen of The West.

In the opening scenes of book seven, we meet Nikshith fleeing with his fellow villagers from barbarian invaders riding horses. Being struck down, defending the fleeing villagers, and revived an hour later. The first of many deaths in his life as Nicolas ages in his quest to meet the Dragon Queen Madailein Kavanagh in the Twenty-first Century.

The seventh book in Uncle Jim’s Ley Line Witch Series a great book to read.

Plot: 9 | Technical Quality: 9 | Appeal to Reviewer: 9


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