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What do soiled panties have to do with infidelity?
We have Timothy Burns, his wife, Candace, or Candy, throw in a conniving, backstabbing boss Jake Hudson, creating the perfect divorce storm. Tim, Candy, and Jake are camping when Jake first samples Candy's nectar one weekend. While doing laundry the next week, Tim discovers the cum encrusted garment. Knowing it was not his semen in the panties, it had been a few days of not playing in this supple intercourse field, then who was plowing this field? Jake sends Tim out to California on an IT job, enabling Jake time to destroy a happy marriage.
Before his California trip, Tim met with an attorney, Ruby Hawkins, who specialized in family law and divorce. While he is away the following week, Jake continues his fornication with Candy, even introducing his son Mike and friends to her succulent treasure cove. Tim does not share well as the story concludes. The plot intensifies after the campout, as Jake strives to destroy the happy marriage.
'Betrayal: Candy' by Saddletramp1956 is an interesting story dealing with a conniving boss in the breakdown of a comfortable home.