As I’ve mentioned in other reviews, it’s difficult to score top marks in very short story submissions. There are very few exceptions, and “Coffee” by Charles Jeffries is one of them. While keeping the story to just 4kb, his economy of words, and carefully constructed use of language perfectly capture the protagonist’s thought and feelings. The surprise ending (though not really a huge surprise) was just icing on the cake.
It’s easy to recommend you read this story. It’s worth reading even though it includes no actual sex. And even if you don’t simply love it, it’s short enough you won’t be upset that my suggestion wasted your time. I think you’ll agree that clicking the link will be time well spent.
All in all, this is an excellent ice-breaker for reentering the roll of SOL contributor. I look forward to enjoying even more of Charles Jeffries’ backlog of SOL submissions in the weeks and months ahead.