I recommend this war story, actually two wars, one in India and one in East Africa. A little bit of romance but if you don't like military stories, probably there isn't much here for you. If you do like to read about it, you should be very happy you did. There is sort of a sequel of this up for a clitoride award for 2020 involving descendants of the main characters in this one. Robin Lane is a good writer. I hope he keeps posting stories here.
Doing the numbers I give the plot and Appeal 9s. A plus. Technical, sorry, not quite so high, I picked a 7, there were a few oopsies not enough to spoil the story, but improvements have been suggested to the author, I do some amateur proofreading. Certainly not good enough to get paid for, but when I like a story I may send emails making suggestions. I liked this story a lot.