If you like DoOver stories this one could easily fall into the category of most impactful.
Two old friends are sent back to their teens and along the way make “nudges” in peoples lives and the world as it is.
It’s something that you’ll enjoy reading and won’t regret doing so. My compliments and praise to the author for this story.
Well, it's done.
I'm not going to do a "normal" review other than to say that this is one of the VERY few stories I've ever give a 10/10/10 (and wish I could have given a 20/20/20!).
Now stop reading this crap and read the damn story. You'll love it, I guarantee!
I have been a fan of Lazlo Zalezac on SOL for a number of years now. The depth of his characters, the slightly unexpected twists, the veiled and not-so-veiled - but usually gentle - criticism of US society...
It’s all present in Emend by Eclipse, a gentle do-over story about two friends who could have been bitter and ruthless in their second time through, but chose a different approach.
I enjoyed it first on a weekly SOL diet, but I got impatient and decided to buy the Lulu ebook instead. It was a lovely way to spend some of my autumn break. There are some minor textual errors remaining, but otherwise a fine read.