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Author's Description:
A unique meeting of agents in a dangerous world. First of The Shack universe.
Size: 80 KB (15,288 words)
Genre: Romantic
Sex Contents: Minimal Sex
Tags: Ma/Fa

Review by Jetcrash747   [other reviews by Jetcrash747]


She had the brightest blue topaz eyes I’d ever seen.

The first sentence in the opening story: Blue Topaz Eyes; Tales From The Shack Universe, more about that after my review. Todd_d172 has created a love story of sorts, He was with Military Intelligence, she was a Federal police officer of some kind – BATF, FBI, or DEA a match made in heaven, not. How do two individuals find love when they are never together? Except when training against sexual assault. In ‘Blue Topaz Eyes’ Todd_d172 succeeded in accomplishing that.

In the process he also started a series named Tales From The Shack Universe. There are several great stories in Tales From The Shack they are all very good and I will eventually get around to review them

Plot: 9 | Technical Quality: 9 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10

Review by richardshagrin   [other reviews by richardshagrin]


This was nearly my ten for April, but it is too soon to use it up on the 16th. I am going to read more of this author's stories, who knows, maybe another might be better. This is one of the best short (two chapter) stories I can recall reading. The second chapter is kind of repetitive of the first, but from the point of view of the female character. It can be difficult to handle that sort of repeating the same events. But this author does it in a way that rings my bell. I strongly suggest you put this one on your reading list. You will be glad you did.

The numbers run nine for plot, a lot of things happen, some off-stage. I am only going to give a nine for technical. I didn't see anything wrong but tens are saved for stories that blow me away. And I already talked about Appeal, to repeat it is a nine. If I gave more than one ten a month, it would be a ten.

Plot: 9 | Technical Quality: 9 | Appeal to Reviewer: 9

Review by bill9900   [other reviews by bill9900]


You might enjoy reading the recently posted short stories by a writer new to SOL - "Todd_d172".

'Blue Topaz Eyes' is the first of the stories in his "Tales From The Shack Universe", and is very well written, as are the others that follow:
- 'Shameless
- 'Monster', and
- 'Romantic'

'Blue Topaz Eyes' starts out with a bang, and you should read the entire story, since your first impression of what's going on may well be wrong.

The author ties the story segments together very well, and the story is short enough to keep your attention and focus, without a lot of extraneous stuff just to fill it out. I guess what I'm saying is that it's tightly woven, meaning well constructed. I didn't notice any typos, inconsistencies, or grammatical problems requiring the attention of the grammar police. The stories seem fresh, and are unlike many of the stories you read on SOL.

If you read all of the stories, you'll see some common threads, with repeat visits by some of the characters. I enjoyed each of them, and recommend them to your attention. Here's hoping "Todd_d172" will continue writing and posting to SOL. It's always great to find a new writer who brings a fresh, interesting approach to the table.

Plot: 9 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10


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