World War series of books by Lazlo Zalezac are captivating and enjoyable. In his latest book that was finished posting on 02/26/2017; 'World War: Campaign for Eastland'.
Lazlo has continued the war being fought by the Jade Forces, in defiance of a committee on War Crimes declaring Pen Sada a war criminal in the book 'World War: Campaign for Surprise'.After the IFN (International Federation of Nations) lost the war on Surprise, they reformed on Eastland planning to invade Surprise only they forgot who their war was against. Only the well trained multitalented army of Jade Force. Follow along as the Jade Force battles the IFN, discovering the real reasons for this war. Lazlo Zalezac has created an interesting series of stories about the Jade Academy and its graduates. Well worth the time spent reading The Jade Force of Misera Stories.