This is an enthralling story that sucked me in and then kicked me in the butt with the sudden twist that will, hopefully, be explained in Book 2.
The Good:
All of the main characters are multifaceted and interesting. The plot is a roller coaster ride -- big hill followed with exciting twists, turns, and drops as the ride smoothes a bit.
The Bad:
There some minor issues with consistency. We only get a full report of first bedtimes four out of five times. The main character starts to become superhuman in reading people and nerdy activities. I have read this twice, and think that the sudden twist at the end is precipitated by events that have not been revealed.
The last Call:
This is a very strong first outing for the author, and it gives me hope for the next works to come off the assembly line. Definately worth worth a read.
Ps -- If you are wondering why this review is late, it's because I read it again. It's that good.