Reviewed: - (Review Updated: )
Take a man, insert a vengeful harpy of a wife who fails to love him anymore, and kicks him out. After borrowing his sister-in-law’s automobile, he dents the hood, and after being scammed while working, he gets fired. Tom Palance has a challenging situation with time.
The story opens with an explanation of how Tom’s life is heading. Then at a park finds a gold horn, and his life starts changing. Tom falls into a magical world where he battles with an evil power mad mage Malamon. In the tale, Tom works with many different supernatural creatures. He is battling Malamon’s minions while learning about his powers, becoming a mage of unique dispositions.
In reading this story from July 2015, Pars001 has created a fantastic world in the Mage and Magic Universe with this opening story. There were a few editing problems; one word was out of context, but the story flowed well, and everything connected remarkably well.
One strongly recommends curling in front of a fire or a fan, depending on the season, and spending a few hours in the Mage and Magic Universe of Pars001 reading “A Good Man.”