An Awkward Situation is a mind control story that has big implications for the entire world.
The story features two teenagers, Charles and Connie, who meet at high school during a big happening.
I found their initial reactions too simple, but as the story grew, they became better likable. Apart from the initial scenes there was not much smut happening. If you expect that in this story, then you'll be disappointed. However, if you enjoy reading a story where the protagonists put the world back together as well as reading about a blossoming friendship, then you'll have a good time.
The plot had few plot twists, but it was entertaining regardless. On the technical side I noted some errors, but they were not enough to distract from the story. The chapters were kept short and are well-written, this helps you speed through the story.
Overall, An Awkward Situation is a fun story. It's not the best of its category, but it offered a refreshing perspective on mind control stories, which made it entertaining to read.