I can remember reading that first story in the NIS - Naked In School genre. Can't remember how long ago it was, just that the MC was called Karen and her story was all about humiliation and forced sex rather than the romance that was possible. Since then countless NIS stories have been posted, here and elsewhere. Countless versions of the themes have appeared.
One that really struck me (Disclaimer: which I helped edit) was "Allison and Emanuel: Naked In School" by Dinspiration, and the MC's developed ESP communication such was the intense love that developed between them.
Some have been stories where the abuse and humiliation were only thinly disguised. I didn't enjoy those.
Others developed great Romantic stories and really showed up the Program in a good light.
So I started to read a story (current at the time of writing this) where the Program was being introduced in Alaska and they were able to revolt against it and get it to be shut down. Looking forward to seeing this tale develop.
Thus I started to look into other stories by "Ndenyal" and found this to be the start of his NIS tales.
What a tale. The Program has been infiltrated and corrupted. Humiliation and Abuse were being encouraged by so-called Program Officers. Even legitimate medical excuses were being disregarded. Enter the MC and a new student, new even to the USA. He had entered the country only a few days before. He had no idea about the Program but he was soon able to bring about several monumental changes in how the Program was managed and run.
Along the way, his serious medical problem and the medical problems of his program partner were well on the way to being resolved by the time we get to the end of the tale.
This tale takes the NIS genre into the realm of turning the Program into a Loving experience such that people wanted to participate. They were looking forward to their time in the sexual limelight.
I found the tale well written and while the MC had amazing ability it is not all that far-fetched.
So, back to the review. My advice is to read this story and gain a new perspective on the NIS Program. By the end of the tale, you will better understand the original goals of the Program that were corrupted into a Program that took away the student's basic right to privacy.
There is a great plot and you will find twists and turns that you will not be ready for. 9.
A technical score of 8 shows that I didn't find a thing wrong with it. No Grammar problems, word choice was all fine. It was just a good story to read.
Lastly, Appeal to the Reviewer was a solid 9.
I really enjoyed how the Author took us through the Program week with all that was going on in the life of the two MCs.
Now, just before you go off and read this great tale, Bookmark the Story Page for "Ndenyal" and work your way through his NIS stories as I will now be doing.
Two words: Fucking awesome.
The Bad:
Technical problems with law and the roles of various law enforcement divisions. Protagonist is a bit too special. Psychological seems to happen too quickly and suddenly. Program partners, as usual in the universe, fall in love.
The Good:
3D characters. Likeable protagonist. People have real problems. Presents the natural local outcroppings of national problems. Technical soutions to computing issues are nearly feasab le (close enough for a fiction story, at least). Wonderful contrasts between opposition to the Program and an internal need to participate for others' sake. Lovely arc of trying to improve the program.
The Last call:
If you like the NIS unitverse, read this. If you are curious about problems that could occur int he NIS universe, read this. If you know what the NIS universe is, read this. IF you don't, read some other NIS stories, then read this. :-)
This could be, should be the NiS story to end all NiS stories.
Not that it will be. NiS stories will continue, and most of them will just be more of the same-old same old. How many different ways are there to tell the story of a couple of naive kids stripped naked in school for a week?
But, while it is fantasy, as all NiS stories are, it does offer a stiff jolt of reality, a jolt that might leave you contemplating the feasibility of the whole Naked in School Program.
This is a different and much meatier NiS story than usual. It has a plot. It has a hero -- and what a hero! -- and villains, and damsels in distress -- and what damsels! It has a plot. It has lots of action -- physical, sexual, social and political -- and lots of stuff worth thinking about, lessons in law and civics, psychology and sociology, right and wrong.
It also has sex, but it takes about 20 chapters to get to it. Don't let that discourage you, the lessons come first and they are worth learning, and thinking about. It may feel a bit dry and dense when the legal arguments get a bit thick. They are well worth paying attention to in spite of that, because on that hangs a good bit of the plot.
Once you get past chapter 20 the sex comes in, in the last 19 chapters, and the scenes are well written and hot and explore a healthy range of enthusiastic activities. You'd have to be pretty delicate for there to be anything to squick you, but plenty to arouse you.
You could consider it a well earned reward for soldiering through all that comes before. That's the foreplay, I guess I could say. But it's fair to say that getting there is half the fun.
Technically the story is almost flawless. It is grammatically correct and almost completely free of typos (I think I saw at least one but was too busy reading to flag it) and homonyms, and the style is comfortable and readable.