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Author's Description:
Meet Steve Adams, the 'new kid' in his small, suburban Cincinnati town, as he enters his 8th grade year of Junior High. His home life is a mess, but being roped into a chore that normally would be a punishment by his emotionally abusive mother leads to the opportunity of a lifetime for a red-blooded 14-year-old boy. A classic nerd, he develops several close friendships and falls in love with Birgit, a beautiful Swedish exchange student, who will go on to change his life completely.
Size: 1130 KB (228,950 words)
Genre: Coming of Age
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Tags: mt/ft, mt/Fa, Mult, Teenagers, Romantic, School, First

Review by Xalir   [other reviews by Xalir]


You need this story in your life. Period. Go read it. No. Stop what you're doing and go read. No! Don't read the rest of this. Go read A Well Lived Life. THEN come back and read this. Duh!

The story follows the life of Steve Adams through his formative years and into adulthood. It combines just about everything you'd expect from a narrative of this length. The sex is pervasive, the characters drawn from many of the author's real experiences, the events draw you in and the prose is clever.

I can't say enough good things about this work. It's still ongoing and the author is open and engaging with his fans through the yahoo group he's created. I encourage anyone who gets to the end of the series (No small feat by itself) to join that group. There's lively discussion, speculation on further events, advanced access to additional chapters, scenes that have been edited out, picture galleries of concepts for different characters and the occasional Easter egg that the casual reader would miss. Well worth the time to sign up for a yahoo mail if you don't already have one.

Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10

Review by RabbiRabbit   [other reviews by RabbiRabbit]


I am writing this from the perspective of having read almost all of Book 2. Fourteen year old boys did not get laid when I was in high school, for that matter I doubt more than a very, very small number of high school students got laid at all when I was in high school. I finished high school in 1965 and out of a class of 630 exactly one girl got pregnant and left school; this was before high school girls started on the pill; fucking was risky. That September at the University of Bridgeport I found out that condoms were illegal in Connecticut. Lucky for me LSD wasn't (then), so I had a pretty good time any way. My sister however was graduated during the years this story takes place and according to her it was a fuck festival.

I had some trouble with all that sex with kids so young and reminded myself that suspension of disbelief was pretty much a requirement if one is to enjoy SOL. Then I realized that suspension of my cynicism was most likely what was required; high school kids in the late seventies had a lot more sex and more interesting sex than I did until I got to college. Damn.

Relationships are a challenge at any age, in adolescence it is even more of a challenge. Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from a lack of wisdom. Such is life.

This kid is full of angst and it is not until Book 2 that we get a clear image of what that angst is all about.

There are enough teasers for lots of interesting plot twists. This is a set up story and as the author has already written that is from high school through college; there is a lot of room for the total story to grow and in Book 2 the story does indeed expand. The writing is clear and borderline error free.

If Book 2 continues as it is it will be an easy 10. Read the story.

Plot: 9 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 9


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