Author's Description:
Two people are trapped under ground in a library archive as a result of a terrorist bombing. They cling together in the impenetrable darkness, seeking solace and drawing strength from each other.
Size: 74 KB (14,463 words)
Genre: Romantic
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual

Review by Derek Smith   [other reviews by Derek Smith]


This story is refreshingly different and most enjoyable. It is well written and my only complaint would be that it is too short.

I want to know what happened next. Come on Mr. Charon, give us a sequel and let us have the next happy ending.

Yes, the story is complete. It had a 'proper' conclusion but what happened next would be the basis for another good tale.

Plot: 9 | Technical Quality: 8 | Appeal to Reviewer: 9


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