2: Elevated by Tom Frost Great story with a light touch on slavery that makes it quite erotic. Very nicely done
3: I Won My Wife With a Baseball Bet by Mister NiceGuy First, It's a baseball story, and I'm a sucker for those.
Second, It's a "I won her in a bet story" and well, I'm a sucker for those too.
Third, It's romantic, and yep, sucker.
So it has to be a fav!
6: The True Master by Weerdo While the story could use a bit of editing, it nicely deals with a complex issue in a great way, erotically and intellectually. Good read and thought provoking
7: The Ugly One by Big Ed Magusson I'm a helpless romantic and this one definitely tugs at the heart strings. If only life imitated art like this a bit more