auguy86: Favourites

1: Angel From the Sky by Cutlass
Wow, such a fun story to read. Starts out as a typical "guy meets gal" romance, but soon develops some pulse-pounding action and plot twists. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! An easy, quick read; good for a quiet afternoon. Bravo!
2: As The Wind Blows by Lubrican
A fantastic story of first love. Very realistic and believable descriptions of a pair of lovable virgins experimenting with each other. Plus, they both have a bit of a nerdy streak, which I'm a sucker for. Very enjoyable.
3: Bad Day at the Greasy Grass by D.T. Iverson
An excellent, heartfelt blending of war, western, and romance. Great action, too!
4: Battle Of The Banns by Marsh Alien
Many authors claim to be able to write humorous tales, but so many fall completely flat with me. Honestly, I had long given up being able to read a story for true humor. Then, this one comes along. The characters are absolutely perfect in their imperfection. Each person we encounter is flawed in a wonderfully hilarious way: Kendra is shallow and gullible, Dave is whipped, Val is self-confident in everything except body image, and Matt is completely oblivious to Val's advances. I have not encountered a story on this website, or any website for that matter, that actually made me laugh out loud like this one. Very fun!
5: Batgirl and Robin by Ann Douglas
A very well-written piece of fan fiction. Fun and quite believable, particularly in the Batman universe. Some scenes of non-consent do appear, which I'm not normally into, but they are handled tastefully. Excellent story overall.
6: A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila
A fantastic followup to Joe Brolly's "Genie Chronicles," with a much more romantic feel to it. Sadly, like Joe Brolly's, the story remains unfinished for the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, fantastic storytelling here, and well worth the time investment.
7: Bus Story by ElSol
Great story with a pair of college kids falling hard for each other. No deep, dark secrets or anything like that, just a fun, sexy little tale with a happy ending.
8: Can You See Me Now? by Lubrican
Another classic from Lubrican. This is probably the best narrative of a long-distance relationship I've ever encountered. Fun, sexy, yet also very believable. I mean, why wouldn't a satellite analyst for the NSA get a wandering eye every so often? It's not like he'd happen upon the girl of his dreams sunbathing in her back yard... right?
9: Can't Buy You Love by Dak0ta52
A fantastic little gem of a story. Nice romance with a modern-day ranch setting. A few grammar errors, but nothing that detracts from the story itself. Definitely worth many reads.
10: The Cure by QM
Great sci-fi story. Has a bit of a harem element to it, but it's a romance first and foremost. The relationships between Dave and the various characters drive this story, as does Dave's stubborn desire to do good even in an unfamiliar situation, being trapped in an empire lightyears from Earth with no memories of his past life. I would have liked to learn more about his past and his time in special forces on Earth, and the cliffhanger teaser at the end is a bit mean, but great story overall.
11: The Farmer's Daughter by lichtyd
This is a fantastic romance with some great drama and action interwoven within. The most amazing part is the compelling characters; from start to finish, they draw you in. By the end, I stopped thinking of them as characters on a page and started seeing them as real people! If that's not a measure of a great story, I don't know what is. Not a ton of explicit sex, but what's there is quite fun. Definitely worth a read, and many rereads!
12: Finding a Place by Don Lockwood
A fun, sexy, and playful romantic romp. Very lighthearted, not a ton of tension, though what's in there is very believable. Definitely not a stroke story, but fantastic example of a story that makes the reader think, "Damn, I wish I had a girlfriend like that in college."
13: Genie Chronicles by Joe Brolly
The original and definitive servant genie series, fantastically crafted into an unforgettable universe. Interesting and witty characters abound, all complemented perfect with Joe Brolly's excellent writing style. For any lover of genie stories, this is an absolute must, even with it remaining unfinished for the foreseeable future.
14: The Grim Reaper by rlfj
Wow... a looooong but incredibly epic story! Do not read this one if you're just looking for some steamy scenes; everything is what I would describe as distinctly R-rated. Still, incredible storytelling here, all from the perspective of a heroic young man from his childhood, his time in the military, and his career on the police force. Dark themes are discussed, such as the cost of war and PTSD, but everything is very realistic to my mind. In addition, there is some great pulse-pounding action, not to mention some sweet romantic moments between Grim and Kelly. An instant classic if there ever was one.
15: The Grim Reaper: Adventures in Southern Law Enforcement by rlfj
A fantastic follow up to the first Grim Reaper story. This is more of a low key episodic series, though there are some more serious parts near the end. Some politics are also discussed, but everything from a reasonable perspective to my eye. Very fun story.
16: The Grim Reaper: Reaper Security Consulting by rlfj
A wonderful conclusion to the saga of Grim and Kelly. Not nearly as action-packed as the previous installments, this is still a worthy story all the same. Definitely worth a read if you've enjoyed the previous two books in the series.
17: Hunter by Lazlo Zalezac
Just a fantastic thriller, mixing politics, war, and spying seamlessly into one fantastic tale. Don't expect any explicit sex; that's not what this story is about. Rather, it's about characters, loss, and what could have been in the War on Terror. Fair warning to anyone with a weak stomach for politics: most every situation presented is from a distinctly conservative slant. I personally love that, but others may not. All the same, a fantastic story, and well worth the read.
18: The Last Wish Blues by Lubrican
Wow... where to begin? First of all, I usually don't stray towards stories with illegal relationships age-wise, but the sheer amount of praise for this story made me curious. Lubrican is quite an accomplished writer in any event, but this story might be his crowning achievement. Seriously. You. Will. Cry. And if you don't, you don't have a soul. The thing I loved most about this story is how much it made me think. What would I have done in Bob's position? In Brenda's? In Dave's? Anyway, an instant classic that will be read many times over through the years.
19: Life on Another Planet by Coaster2
Fantastic time-travel story wrapped up in a romance. Not the ending I expected, but great characters and plot twists throughout. Definitely worth a read, and several rereads.
20: A Love Timeless by Gilmore
A fun, refreshingly smart romance with a great twist ending. The rapid shifting perspectives would normally be confusing, but Gilmore handles it brilliantly with seamless transitions between scenes. A good, easy read.
21: Medusa: Fate's Game by Novus Animus
Excellent fantasy adventure tale, with a fun twist. Not the handsome Greek hero out to save the pretty girl from the monster. No, the monsters are the heroes this time! And damn, does it work. My only complaints are the chapter lengths and the later sex scenes in the story, which can drag on a bit. But other than that, fantastic adventure! Definitely worth the read.
22: The Reset Manifesto by Lazlo Zalezac
Yet another fantastic political thriller from Lazlo. This one brings about an alternate(?) reality in which both major political parties are in collusion with each other, along with the media, corporations, and banks, to wrest every ounce of power from the people of the United States. These efforts come to the attention of Peter Moore, a socially awkward young man with genius-level intelligence, who assembles a group of authors, policy experts, and hackers to form a group even more powerful than Anonymous. Even though Peter is always one step ahead of his enemies and never really comes under serious threat himself, there is drama and tension galore. The entire story reads like something straight out of Ayn Rand's mind. As a Conservative myself, I disagree with some of the specific positions, but this is still a must-read for anyone who enjoys a great political thriller.
23: The Solitary Arrow by Mack the Knife
An excellent high fantasy story, with fantastic erotic bits throughout, coupled with a masterfully crafted plot. Be warned, however, that some of the early chapters can get graphic and disturbing. But if you can make it past that, this one is well worth the effort.
24: Split Tails Ranch by qhml1
I'm not usually into westerns, but this one is just fantastic. The occasional grammar error doesn't detract from the fantastic story and lovable cast of characters. And while it would have been easy for qhml1 to turn this into a harem story, he eschews that for a true romance, which I appreciate. But ultimately, this is the story of Zeke and Jess, his adopted daughter. Probably the strongest parent-child bond I've seen in a story of any genre in a long time. Read, read, and read it again.
25: Swamped Fox by oyster50
Not a particularly long or deep romance, but a fun one at that. Oyster50 has done a great job with his characters, and I particularly love the early chapters. His depictions of a flood-ravaged Louisiana town are brilliant, gripping, and highly accurate. Anyone who knows me knows I love when a story is believable, and this one hits the nail on the head. Not a stroke story, but a fun romance with a pair of lovable Cajuns. Highly recommended.
26: Third Time's the Charm by Xalir
This story is the very definition of a roller coaster. So many tragic ups and downs for our hero, but it does end well for him. Not a story for the sex; it's pretty sparse, mainly because it's not the point of the story. Warning: there are some scenes that discuss incest, which I am not into at all. However, there is never any direct depiction of it; it's only discussed in a past tense scenario. Take that as you will, but this is still one of the best stories I've read on her.
27: To Catch a Merchant Princess by Darkniciad
Darkniciad is quickly becoming one of my favorite fantasy authors out there, primarily due to his persuasion towards romance. So many high fantasy stories descend into nothing but magic-aided sex, but this story is fun, sweet, and has great action scenes to boot. Any fantasy story that also incorporates intrigue, suspense, and character growth is a winner in my book. In addition, most of Darkniciad's stories are easy to follow, even if they're in the middle of a series; he places enough hints and explanations that make the plot easy to follow.


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