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How do I hand-format HTML files for correct results while posting?

The site's submission wizard converts html files into text files upon receipt. This conversion process requires that HTML files conform to a minimum set of standards in order to get proper results.

If you're crafting your own html code and submitting it, you need to make sure of few things:

The file must be a fairly valid html file:

  1. It must have a starting <html> and a <body> tags.
  2. It must have a closing </html> and a </body> tags.
  3. It must have a <head> </head> section.
  4. It must have a character set declaration:
    <meta http-equiv="content-Type" content="text/html; charset=xxxx">
    or <?xml version="1.0" encoding="xxxx"?>

    where the xxxx is the encoding scheme used.
    Because it's more common, the charset statement takes precedence over the 'encoding' statement.
    If neither statements is present, the html converter defaults to windows-1252 encoding
  5. Preferred character set encoding is UTF-8
  6. Multiple consecutive <br> tags get converted to a single <p> tag, which means a normal paragraph break.

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