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looking for long fantasy/action/coming of age

bigeck11 ๐Ÿšซ

hi I am looking for some long fantasy/action/coming of age stories, Sex is not a major concern but would prefer to have a well written and well set out story I have read many of the older well known authors on the site and am looking for more suggestions
Thanks in advance Alex

Nizzgrrl ๐Ÿšซ


Wish you had told us who were the "the older well known authors on the site" you had read and, particularly, what you liked about theiir coming of age stories. It would make it easier to make suggsstions.

Off the top of my head I recommend stories by G Younger, Blue Dragon and rlfj. Their work is riveting; they excel in creating characters and remarkable plots. Since sex is not a major concern, try stories by Argon, Refusnik and Woodmanone. Gotta add two more authors who know how to create characters, develop original plot lines and grab a reader: Reluctant Sir and Fantasy Lover.

Let your fingers do the walking through their lists. Whatever you pick from these writers will be good. One tip - see who these writers recommend as their favorites.

Replies:   bigeck11
bigeck11 ๐Ÿšซ


Hi Thanks for the replies With the orginal post I meant any of the 3 topics Fantasy, action ,coming of age stories

Authors I had in mind were aroslav, Kenneth Hammond, Al Steiner, Lazlo, Lubrican, Argon, Joe J, JRyter, Rlfj and even Cmsix

Replies:   The Outsider
The Outsider ๐Ÿšซ


Me. First story called "A Charmed Life."

A Charmed Life

Lumpy ๐Ÿšซ


I have up the first 2 chapters of what will be a 9 books series (so yes, we're at the very beginning) of a coming of age epic fantasy series. The first book is In the Shadow of Dragons. (book 1 is done and is loaded to put up new chapters every week already). It is no sex.

Replies:   Dinsdale  bigeck11
Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ


I was also thinking of your Country Roads stories, not exactly "fantasy" but they tick the other boxes very well. With four stories posted, they are obviously a lot further along than that new series you have just started.

bigeck11 ๐Ÿšซ


Thanks Lumpy I have read some of your stories previously but thought that they were all premier only now after checking your page I can see some are not I will have to give them a re-read

Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ


Do you consider Kenn Ghannon to be "well known"? His https://storiesonline.net/s/19437/runesward ticks most of your boxes, and his two Swarm Cycle stories - https://storiesonline.net/s/12909/pretty-capable and https://storiesonline.net/s/22400/fairly-capable - could also qualify (chapter 22 of the second story contains a horrendous scene you may want to skim over).

Also in the Swarm Cycle is https://storiesonline.net/s/24510/the-assassin by aroslav (it follows https://storiesonline.net/s/23532/pussy-pirates which has a slightly higher score but I'm not as keen on). Aroslav has a large number of coming-of-age stories.

Quite honestly, there are so many long coming-of-age stories on this site - and a fair number of them are well written - I would not know where to start.

bigeck11 ๐Ÿšซ


thanks Dinsdale I have read a lot of the Swarm cycle stories but I really prefer a longer read

Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ


Those 3 (or 4) Swarm stories I mentioned all qualify as "a longer read", as one would expect from Kenn Ghannon and aroslav. Aroslav in particular tends to post chapters about as fast as I can read them, given that I don't spend all my time reading the offerings on SOL.

sunseeker ๐Ÿšซ


my Arkadia is scifi/fantasy inspired by by Swarm cycle and it;s a longer read at 29 chapters, 796kb and 156,400 words. Only a few sex scenes though :D


Synopsis: A story INSPIRED by, but not part of, the Swarm Universe. The Confederacy is found culpable in the deaths of his parents because of an AI withholding information, resulting in a whole new world opening up for our MC, DeDeus Sanderson. Read of his encounters with the Confederacy and others as he gathers colonists.


Grey Wolf ๐Ÿšซ


For Coming of Age, definitely check Michael Loucks' A Well Lived Life.

My own Variations on a Theme series is a blend of Coming of Age and Do-Over (and, of course, is slowly becoming Alternative History, almost by definition).

My one hesitation in blowing my own horn is that Book 1 (in particular) is long in the tooth and I, along with my editors, am working on a major repost; it might not be the ideal time for a new reader to jump in. Or, possibly, I could send an advanc reader copy of the updated Book 1 :) With one exception, no significant plot changes, but many, many clean-ups. It's fine as published, but much better in the updated form.

hiltonls16 ๐Ÿšซ


You might like Douglas Fox's Life in Paradise series.

22 stories covering nearly 60 years, the 4th generation of teens is coming of age in the latest stories.

marwood2013 ๐Ÿšซ


Have you tried the Eric/Erica Olafson series by Vanessa Ravencroft https://storiesonline.net/series/1548/erica-olafson

samuelmichaels ๐Ÿšซ


John Wales has several long stories with coming of age protagonists. The writing itself is a bit awkward, but he has a broad imagination. Leefstic, Proeliator, Space, Shawn all start in childhood.

Tiny Tim by Overconfident Sarcasm.

The Swarm Cycle was already mentioned; Allan Joyal has a couple of long stories with a coming-of-age MC, start with Building a CAP Based Future.

Vincent Berg's "Catalyst" series (not a typical coming of age story).

Michael Loucks was mentioned earlier; beware he has several coming-of-age series in his Well-Lived Life universe.

Don Lockwood has Dance of a Lifetime. His incomplete Rewind is a do-over, which may not qualify, but it does have coming-of-age aspects. In fact, many of the do-over stories feature this aspect (e.g. Variations on a Theme mentioned by Grey Wolf, another favorite of mine).

ikizotca ๐Ÿšซ


Phil Brown's:
Lightning in a Bottle
Lightning in a Bottle - Book 2
Lightning in a Bottle - Book 3

Charlie Foxtrot's:
A New Past - Premium and a do over

Danny January's:
Jack Pierce Chronicles

G Younger's:
Stupid Boy series

Jay Cantrell's:
Brock Miller series

itsmehonest ๐Ÿšซ


Hidden Heritage I: The Guardians by DeeBee 3 parts

The Goatherd and Young Warrior by FantasyLover
Lucky Jim โ€” A Universe from the Mind of FantasyLover
A series of stories about the unbelievable luck and courage of the storyteller.

Replies:   remarcsd
remarcsd ๐Ÿšซ


Try the author QM.

His two mage stories run very long, as do some of his others The Cure, The Healer and The Artist trilogy, and his new series The Sword of The Goddess.

LonelyDad ๐Ÿšซ


Check FantasyLover's Lucky Jim trilogy. While Jim's exploits border on fantastic, I would put the trilogy for in the Alternate Reality category. In any case they are good reads, and are some of my staples for rereading.

chrisl ๐Ÿšซ


Shaddoth - Ace Cadet Leon-Young and Biomancer both have young protagonists but may be a bit short for you.

Hammingbyrd7 - The Preacher Man is a classic that I mention just in case you have not read it.

y2 ๐Ÿšซ


Gruinard's epic 350+ chapters "Living two lives" just concluded and is highly recommended as a "Coming of Age" story. Great character development, with great story telling. There's plenty of sex, but the plot and the character development are the true highlights. Also, despite the title, it is not a do over story.


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