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JimWar ๐Ÿšซ

This came out of my local NextDoor, which is a neighborhood Facebook type of forum.
"Big shout out to woodbine Methodist church for egging my grandsons house. Really was exciting for him, so thanks for such a great community program.
All things possible thru Christ. This is certainly Good Friday. Thank you woodbine Methodist and all the local churches that are the cement of community."

I was wondering whether the post was sarcastic as we don't get much of that around here when I read on down and saw.

"Wait, they "EGGED" your grandson's house? Does that mean something other than throwing eggs at a house and I don't know about it?"

That was what I thought too. Then I read.

"Yes, they go and hide Easter Eggs in neighbors yard as an outreach activity ๐Ÿ˜Š They don't throw eggs at peoples houses! Lol."

Language is always changing.

StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ


Language is always changing.

Next thing we'll find out is that 'corning cars' doesn't mean throwing a handful of dry corn at passing cars.

Grey Wolf ๐Ÿšซ


My wife and I started a family tradition of 'egging' (the nice version, with Easter Eggs) friends' houses well over twenty years ago. Sometimes they know it's us, and sometimes they've never found out who did it.

Bringing a smile to people is a good thing.

Replies:   mauidreamer
mauidreamer ๐Ÿšซ

@Grey Wolf

And how often did they not find quite all of the eggs ... until much later ...

Replies:   Remus2  Grey Wolf
Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


When I was a teen, my lawnmower (manual) always found the missing eggs.

Grey Wolf ๐Ÿšซ


It's happened more than once, honestly. We do hint by using an even dozen eggs :)

I suspect most people (maybe not all) who find eleven eggs will be looking for that last egg.

We are also not trying hard at all to hide them. The goal is to drive up, put eggs out, and drive away before they/neighbors/anyone else notices.

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