Okay, I'm probably going to end up doing what I think best anyway, but I would appreciate people's feedback. I do listen when making decisions.
I'm writing a short story that's a Western. I'm struggling with some of the story tags โ whether to include them or not.
1. The MC's mother was a prostitute and she grew up in a brothel. It comes up in a flashback, but the story is not about prostitutes or prostitution โ so I'm not planning on having the "prostitution" tag.
2. It's a Western so there's another flashback where there's a gunfight where 3 people get shot and die. Also in the scene, one man is rough with the MC (14-yo married female at the time). But I was not going to use the "violence" tag. That's all the violence there is in the story.
3. There's a scene where the bad guy steps on another man's gunshot wound and presses it. But I'm not planning on having the "torture" tag. It's one instance in the entire story.
4. The mother catches her son fucking a sheep (this one is not a flashback). There's no description of it other than his pants are down, he's holding the ewe's tail up, and humping his hips. When the mother screams, he falls down with his hard cock sticking out. I'm not planning on having the bestiality tag.
But readers are adamant about their squicks. Torture. Violence. Bestiality. Are those a reader would not forgive me for not warning them? But, on the other hand, I'd hate to have someone looking for a torture story and be disappointed because it's not a torture story. Same with bestiality or violence. They can hold that against me as well.
So whatcha think?