Now, I'm talking about voting on stories by other writers. I would imagine this forum is in 100% agreement that one simply does not vote for himself. Nor herself.
After all, manners define the contours of our interactions; it would seem infra dignitatem to contribute to your own ballot box.
More interesting though, is voting on the works of others. Personally, I would not because the spirit of the SOL system would seem to be the tabulation of 'reader' scores. Authors are, sort of by default, professional readers.
Votes from, and only from, 'amateur' readers would appear to be a truer measure of perceived value. Not that I pay the slightest attention to reader scores myself.
Now, I would posit that Comments from SOL writers are not only appropriate, but can be more insightful than those from the hoi and the polloi.
SOL blogs? Best left to the professionals.
As for Forum contributions? What sayest thou?