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What an incredible mess...

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I've been spending the last week or so trying to sort out what I've got written that hasn't been posted. Also, what I managed to salvage after a hard drive crash a couple years ago (no ha-ha on that one). I finally went up on World-Groups and downloaded everything I'd posted there.

Boy, what a mess - just _trying_ to sort out the storylines I started on that one... Let's see - there's a Lisa & Vlad series, the "M" twins adventures and the Mesopotamian colony - enough there for 3 more books, Jeez! Plus, I remember a plot I started where Elaine and her twin daughters waged war against an Arcadian outpost, which I haven't found yet (I also haven't finished sorting out everything I've downloaded from World Groups, which, BTW, is going DEFUNCT at the end of this month (Another Jeez!) Oh, well, they lasted 3 years longer than SmartGroups did, though they made access to my site next to impossible. I'm sure if I'd gotten more than 10 members interested in my stories there, I might've put more effort into continuing the series. The response I've gotten here at Storiesonline is greater in the last 2 months than I got from 5 years from World Groups - no wonder they're going out of business.

Oh, hell. I'm rambling, now, aren't I (not a question).

With four plots going now, I need to figure out who goes first and what goes where and when, as the characters in all these stories seem to meander in and out of the other plots like they all co-exist at the same time or something (Oh, wait! They do! oh, god...), interacting with each other at random and interfering with each other's stories. I'm doomed.



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