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Uther Pendragon: Blog


Appeared Before

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I got an e-mail from someone who thought he'd seen Jen before.

He had, on ASSTR.

Well, all of the God-Joined-Together universe ( so far posted and to be posted for the next several months and maybe a year) was once posted on ASSTR. When the site became unreliable, I took copies of all my stories that I could still access. Last year, I posted almost all of them but this universe. I also wrote some new stories. When I remembered, I noted that those stories had never been posted anywhere else. (I often didn't remember.)

I hadn't finished the threads in this universe when ASSTR went blooey, and I plan to write more when the ld stuff has been posted.


Posted at Updated:

I made a mistake in the description of Oh Canada! - M which was provincial in 2 different ways.

I put George in the wrong Canadian province, and I did so because I'm a provincial Yank.

The God-Joined-Together stories, despite the current copyright notices, are old ones. I did a little adjustment to mention the date and join several stories together into longer sections. The story descriptions are also new.

Well, I wrote this story description off the top of my head. He's teaching at a University up in that direction (Northwest). Well, Manitoba is northwest of me, but the original position I gave him when I wrote the story was at the University of Regina. And that's in Saskatchewan.

(Also, When I wrote the story, I'd read that the University of Regina had been established soon before the story took place. Actually, it had been established as a university, but it had long been a campus of the University of Saskatchewan. How that affects the chances of their importing a department head from Harvard, I'll let people there tell me.

Postiing schedule

Posted at

I've put the expected posting schedule in the story descriptions for the next stories. (I can't actually get later chapters on the site until the first chapter rolls onto the screen.)

Is that helpful? I'd appreciate feedback.

The L you say

Posted at

I had Marilyn, and especially Andy, riding the L. My editor suggested that people from outside the Chicago metro area would understand better if I spelled it 'El.' So, I did. In Chicago, we use the shorter spelling, though. "L" comes from "elevated."

New York has a subway; Chicago does not. Some of the L lines run underground, though. This sometimes confuses tourists. Chicagoans think tourists confuse easily. The "loop," the center of Chicago's downtown, is named after the square of actually-elevated tracks which runs around it. During rush hours, the Evanston train runs locally in Evanston then runs express to the near north side, and then runs locally around the (actually elevated) Loop. The rest of the day, Evanstonians have to change at Howard station (above Howard Street) to the normal Chicago L (which runs underground while it's traversing the Loop).

4 unfinished Serials

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As of Friday night, I had four, count them FOUR, unfinished serials running. That's not my general style. I like to finish one thing before starting another. (Admittedly, the God-Joined-Together universe features twin stories.)

Well, it's not quite so bad as it looks. The stories are all completely written, and even edited. SOL gives each author the option of putting chapters (but only chapters of stories of which the first chapter has been posted) in a personal queue. They only become visible to the moderators on an author-specified day. Well, the chapters of each story are in my personal queue. If I get hit by a truck when I leave here, you'll be able to read the finish of these stories.

Actually, they all end this week. Another story featuring Marilyn and Andy starts a week from today.



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