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Uther Pendragon: Blog


Christmas stories by Uther.

Posted at

I’m not writing anything new (except a few jokes for Jack Spratt) for Christmas this year. Here are some stories I’ve written in the past in which Christmas is important:

*Brennan stories*
Bob and Jeanette Brennan had a pattern of returning to his parents’ house for Christmas every year. I got several stories out of those trips.

For Now
Forget All That
Forgive the Delay

*God Joins Together*.

These are stories of 3 separate couples (although the last 2 know each other). The stories on the same line are essentially the same events told from opposite perspectives. The third line has the woman home for Christmas, away from the man. The Christmas experience is only part of the story, usually only a chapter.

Alternate Weekends - F Alternate Weekends - M
College Collage - F College Collage - M
Getting a Room – F

Four random stories of 4 random couples. The first covers a few days leading up to Christmas. The Christmas scenes are of decreasing importance as the stories go on.

Wrapped Attention
Substitute Wife
Sparky’s Dad
Jonathan Dominates Melissa

RTFM is complete

Posted at

RTFM, my latest story on the site, is finished. I had it listed for a while as "to be continued," but that was part of my incompetence dealing with site software.

Someday, God willing and the site don't crash, we'll have more about John Kostner, but that will be another story.


Posted at Updated:

Even Uther has a life. I've been busy with real life for a bit, and I haven't posted anything.

There is a break in my break starting tomorrow. RTFM is part of the Gjt universe, but it only has one central character.

I still have a few previously-posted stories left, but only a few. I'm going to keep posting slowly. I never wrote rapidly.

3 chapers, Thursday, Monday, Thursday.


Posted at Updated:

I should have posted this earlier. The 2 chapters a week schedule that I followed for most of the last year (with 3 chapters for 17 weeks) is over. I had a pipeline of my revising an old post for the GJT (God-Joined-Together) universe, sending it to the editor, and then putting it in the posting queue. The pipeline is empty.

I'm going to start up again (assuming I live) but not before Easter at soonest. I still have some GJT stories from ASSTR, couple of stories I launched into The Fishtank years ago and recently rescued, a partly written story from this year, and lots of fragments and figured-out plots from the post-Gettysburg Universe. I just took on too much in Real Life. (The more work I take on, the less work I perform.)

Time problem in Connie

Posted at

My current story, Connie is coming out in the wrong order.
The site allows authors to enter the date when each chapter will roll onto the screen. That's dependent on the author working the system right, and I didn't.
Chapteer 4 will come on the 11th, and chapter 5 - has already come onto your screeen. I hope I've fixed the problem.



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