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Been out of work since the end of February, was looking forward to going back at the end of June...
Men plan and the gods laugh.
Spent Memorial Day in the hospital, fourth time in three months. I'm not even 55, and haven't had much if any drive to write during that period. Something tells me that the third Knox story isn't coming out anytime soon...
I apologize to everyone following me and this series, but my priorities have to shift to family life for now. The story will be published, but I don't know how soon.
I’m posting a new story tomorrow, which is one of the first I wrote many years ago (2008, IIRC). It’ll have on-screen sex, not the oblique references my others have.
Tovette was inspired by Star Trek fan-fiction character pictures from chirinstock on deviantart.com. A SOL editor looked it over before I submitted it. I hope you will enjoy the story despite its age.
We have a week left in 2023.
Thank God.
"Zero stars, would not recommend," will likely be my main comment on 2023 in the future. I spent way too much time in hospitals this year, between admissions and appointments, and lost my father during one admission.
The final chapter of A Glass, and Darkly posts today. My schedule this year has slowed my writing way down; I've been stuck on the same chapter in the next story for months. I won't start posting the story until it's finished because I don't want to leave folks hanging. I hope I will have the story finished in the next 365 days.
For those of us who celebrate, Merry Christmas. If you don't, please accept the thought in the spirit in which it was given.
May 2024 be better for all of us.
I have deleted five posts from the comments section of A Glass, and Darkly. The comments were not about the story, so they're gone.
Find a different venue if you want to make comments like that.
The sequel to A Charmed Life, titled A Glass, and Darkly, is in the queue for posting this morning. It continues the story of Jeff Knox and his family as they cope with a world radically changed.
AGAD will post every Monday and Thursday until the end of 2023.
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