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Sabrina’s complete story is now available on Bookapy. A corrected version will be available when the story finishes posting.
Submitted for your approval...
Well, this one took a while. I want to thank the late Graybyrd, and particularly TeNderLoin, for pushing me through the last two rough years.
This story is complete and will be posted over the next 22 weeks on Mondays and Thursdays. Once the first two-plus chapters are posted on Monday (a prologue and the first two chapters), I will schedule the rest.
EDIT: All chapters are uploaded and scheduled to post.
If anyone knows where this takes place for the F-22 IPs out there, please PM me.
I’m doing research for my next Knox story to clear this up. My Google-foo really sucks these days…
EDIT: My thanks to everyone who responded to my question. I’ve made some decisions based on those answers, and will move forward from there.
I, as the author of the works listed on my homepage, have NOT and DO NOT allow any other person or entity to claim copyright rights over them. I will come after them with the full fury I possess (and that's a lot these days...).
These stories are NOT released to the public domain.
Only "Tovette" takes place in a world that is owned by another entity, Paramount. It is offered here as a fan-fiction story not intended to infringe on their rights at all.
They say art is never finished, only abandoned.
I have submitted an edited version of A Charmed Life for reposting today. Minimal dialogue changes, more sentence/paragraph changes.
Editing is a step forward toward writing again, I hope. I had another seizure at the end of July, and my typing is slower now. At least I can see a single image when I look at my screen or keyboard. Certainly didn't expect to need a walker before I turned 55...
Whether the next Knox story is finished this year is questionable. I certainly hope so, but there are no guarantees in life...
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