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I've been plugging away at another story in the Oscar series. It's turned out rather longer than the others at about 27K words. When my editors have finished with the last couple of chapters, I'll be posting it. The title 'The Bare Necessities' and, yes, inspired by Baloo the bear's song in Disney's Jungle Book.
I just noticed a couple of errors in chapter 4. I've correected my file, but before I repost, has anyone noticed any others?
Oooh! I touched a nerve! I've never had so many responses to a blog before, and all within an hour or so of posting it!
No, nothing about gender. This is probably a waste of time, BUT a romantic table in a restaurant is 'DISCREET'. 'Discrete' means 'separate' or discontinuous. You 'PIQUE' someone's interest, or have a 'fit of PIQUE'. You 'peek' at someone (discreetly) and you climb a mountain peak. Surely these are obvious?
Okay. I am a pedant. Perhaps anally retentive. But the whole point of language is to communicate, and to do so as accurately as possible. I blame the education system which went down hill sometime in the sixties or thereabouts.
There. I've had my rant...
The first chapter of the third Fold Space story, 'The Picard Manoeuvre' is in the posting queue. For the benefit of the ignorant (should that be innocent?), the Picard Manoeuvre refers to Patrick Stewart's character in Star Trek - The Next Generation, who habitually tugs at his uniform tunic to straighten it. There are seven chapters, which will be posted every other day unless problems arise.
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